Recap 6.4 True Blood “At Last”

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Willa: “Is it gonna hurt?”
Eric: “Not the way I do it.”

The Sookie developments were probably the most important part of the episode. But my favorite part was Eric turning someone, for only the second time in his extremely long life.

It’s no secret that I’m a vampire fancier, and that Eric is so my kind of bloodsucker. I loved everything about Eric turning Willa. She was in white like a bride, he was in black like Dracula, it was sexy and fun and he didn’t do it against her will or I would have hated it. Taking her back to Daddy was sad though, because I can just feel that Burrell won’t be overcoming his vampire bigotry any time soon, baby girl vamp or no baby girl vamp.

Willa told Eric she was a virgin. Or sort of a virgin. All I could think of was what happened to Jessica when she realized she was going to be a virgin again every time she had sex. Of course, Willa probably won’t live long enough for it to be a problem for her. Although maybe they’ll just take Willa to Camp Truman, where they just took Nora, Pam and Ginger. They’ll all be okay because Pam cannot be written out. So there. I have spoken.

Points to Sookie, and I don’t say that often enough. It was very cool that she figured out who and what Ben slash Warlow was, and that she set a trap for him. Of course, the audience was five steps ahead of her. Thank you, True Blood Powers That Be, for not expecting us to swallow Sookie instantly falling for Ben when we already have leading men like Eric, Bill, Alcide and Sam.

That said, I’m still not feeling Warlow as an effective villain. An ancient fairy vampire who can walk in the sunlight and defeat Niall should be scarier. Ben looks like a distant cousin you met and blew off at a family reunion. Where’s the menace? At least this episode made me realize that I would be absolutely furious if they killed Niall off already. I love Rutger Hauer as Niall. I love just looking at him in that costume, and with that hair. I hope that wasn’t the last we see of Niall this season.

I’m ready to say goodbye to Bill, though. Does anyone realize that Bill was victimizing his own great-great-great-granddaughters? I was not happy that Jessica lost control and drank the fairies Bellefleur, too. They can’t be dead. Andy may not have given them names, but he obviously cares about them. They’ve got to stop growing sometime, don’t they?

As usual with True Blood, there are too many separate storylines. Although, since Warlow can kill Lilith, I bet they’ll start intersecting soon.

Bits and pieces:

— I have practically nothing to say about the weres, except that it’s sad that they’re the bad guys now. Please tell me that Alcide won’t really turn against Sam. Please.

— Sam as a horse. That was fun. And I saw that Sam/Nicole thing coming.

— We also got Ginger screaming, not once but eight or nine times. Also fun.

— So was Pam and Eric sparring about who was the boss of Tara. Laugh out loud.

— Ben/Warlow can’t drink fairy blood. That’s interesting. Sort of makes sense. He’s clearly not susceptible to silver, either. Weren’t fairies in the books susceptible to iron?

— The fairies Bellefleur were so cute in Arlene’s trashy clothes.

— What happened to Steve Newlin? Inquiring minds want to know.


Nora: (to Niall) “Omifuck, you smell amazing.”

Burrell: “Watch the sky! That peckerwood’s gonna try to fly out.”
Eric is pretty far from anyone I’d imagine as a peckerwood. What’s a peckerwood?

Andy: “Come on, it’s time for bed anyhow, you ain’t slept since you were three.”

Jason: “That was my best Dirty Harry.”
Jason was fun in this one. Dreaming about Ben, doing amazing pull-ups, and also Dirty Harry.

I didn’t think I’d enjoy this season, but I’m still on board and this was a fun episode. What did y’all think?

Billie Doux

(Billie Doux and her friends review their favorite shows at Doux Reviews.)

I'm a hopeless sci-fi geek and huge fan of shows like True Blood, Lost, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I write episode reviews and articles about many of the shows that I love. All of my reviews are at