Ryan Kwanten Dishes Women, Dating and Scrabble
Ryan Kwanten often shows up on the media’s radar, either in photos or snatches of conversations. This time, it’s FoxNews.com who caught Ryan talking about Australian women verses American women in Women’s Health magazine.
“Australian women tend to tell it like it is – even if it’s the brutal, honest truth,” the “True Blood” actor told the June issue of Women’s Health magazine which hits the stands this week. “I think American women usually break it to you a little easier. There’s a softer side to them.”
I can’t imagine any reason for wishing to wipe that adorable smile away. Anyway, Ryan shares a tip for women when getting into a relationship:

Ryan Kwanten
“Try out the “I love you’s” after a week or two (of dating). You have to give it time before you start (saying that). I like exploring the mystery of a relationship instead of laying it all out on the table at the beginning.”
Good advice, Ryan! I say, ladies, make him wonder what you think of him. Keep ’em guessing what’s going on in your head. Men already have a hard time trying to figure women out, don’t make it easy. It’s more fun!
Ryan recalls one scary moment in his dating experience that he shared with readers:
“I arrived at this girl’s house and her dad answered the door. The guy was huge — in my head, he seemed close to seven feet tall and 300 pounds. He looked down at me and said, “Can I help you? I said, ‘Yeah, I’m here to see … ‘ and I forgot the girl’s name! I was just looking up at him thinking, Oh, God, please don’t squash me!”
I’ll bet that girl was home right on time that evening.
We’ve all seen the new photos that HBO has released from season two of True Blood. A couple of them show Ryan, shirtless, and looking even better than last season, if that’s at all possible. One of the questions people ask Ryan, when they talk with him, is how does he keep in shape?
“I’m somewhat of a masochist at heart. I like to sweat. I come from a very competitive sporting background –my dad was a world-champion surfer — so it’s always been a part of my DNA. I do a lot of soft-sand running, hiking, yoga, and boxing, and I compete in triathlons. But I don’t have a strict diet. If I want a beer, I’ll have a beer, and I’ve always been a chocoholic.”
Gasp! Did he say “chocoholic”? And he’s still single?!! If he can cook, I may have found my new TVBF. He loves to play Scrabble too.
“I’m undefeated in Scrabble. I can figure out an opponent’s strategy and mold mine to offset theirs. I play a couple times a week, and I’ll often play a game on my bed by myself against myself, which I realize sounds completely mad.”
Throwdown! OK, Ryan, it is so ON! I challenge you to a game of Scrabble, anytime and anywhere (in the Midwest, U.S.). You, me and those smooth, little tiles, baby. “Undefeated”, indeed. Bring it on!