Lafayette’s Fate: Comment on the True Blood Season Premiere

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WARNING: Spoilers ahead for the True Blood season 2 premiere. Don’t read any further if you don’t want to be spoiled!

Finally, True Blood returns and we get answers to a couple of burning questions: who was in the car and, if it wasn’t Lafayette, what happened to him? Now we know that it was the voodoo priestess who was left in Andy Bellefleur’s car, one foot hanging out the door. Her heart has been ripped out by an unknown entity; but is the murderer human or supernatural?

We may have breathed a sigh of relief when Lafayette wasn’t in the car, but his fate might be worse. Chained in a dungeon in Eric’s basement, Lafayette must face vampire justice for dealing V. Lest we forget, Eric is the vampire Sheriff of his region of Louisiana. Looks like we’ll be getting a glimpse of how he handles lawbreakers on his turf.

So what do you think about Lafayette’s fate? Are you glad he’s alive, no matter what? Do you think he’d be better off dead? Or are you just glad we have another storyline for Eric? Sound off below, but please don’t post spoilers for future episodes!

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of since 2008. Team Sookie!