SPOILERS: Just What Is Pam Saying, Anyway?
Alex, you stinker. In today’s E!Online spoiler chat, Kristin Bauer reveals that she may be the victim of a practical joke, plus Eric and Lafayette are about to share an intimate scene:
Alexander Skarsgard as Eric Northman on True Blood / HBO
Kelly in Amsterdam, Netherlands: Please give us some scoop on Alexander Skarsgård from True Blood!
Not only is Alex the show’s leading eye candy, but he also serves as the show’s official Swedish-English translator. Costar Kristin Bauer, who plays Eric’s “serial killer baby” Pam, tells us, “They keep writing me lines [to read in] Swedish, and Alexander calls and says the Swedish on my phone. Hopefully he’s not lying to me about what I’m saying. That’s what my boyfriend does?he’s from Africa, and he’s teaching me Afrikaans, and I don’t know what I’m saying, but he laughs.”Jerry in New Orleans: What’s coming up on True Blood?
In the next episode, Sookie (Anna Paquin), Bill (Stephen Moyer) and Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) encounter trouble when they arrive in Dallas and find out that someone from the Fellowship of the Sun was sent to abduct Sookie. The plan fails. And believe it or not, Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) invites Eric (Alexander Skarsgård) into his home and feeds off his blood to recover from the wounds suffered when Eric abducted him. Strange bedfellows, indeed.