Charlaine Harris Faces 700 at Chicago Area Borders
I know you’ve all been waiting patiently for my report on last night’s book signing with Charlaine Harris, and thank you. It was a very late night and I’m still trying to wipe the cobwebs out of my eyes. Thank goodness for spellcheck. Anyway, let me tell you about it.
When we arrived, there were already a lot of people in the chairs that were set up for the event. In fact, we had to stand. That was just fine, though, because it put me in a great position for taking pictures. Charlaine was introduced and when she took the floor, she told us that this was the largest book signing she had had so far. There were around 700 of us there. I didn’t think we’d all fit! She was overwhelmed and delighted, though, so she quickly opened up the floor for questions. Many were ones that we have heard before, so I’m not going to go over those again, but some that I hadn’t heard are well worth mentioning. For those who have not read the books, or have not read the most recent Sookie book, Dead and Gone, this will be spoilery, so beware.

Charlaine Harris
Dead and Gone left Bill Compton very, very ill from silver poisoning. Charlaine says that Bill will remain that ill much into the next book, which she is in the middle of writing. Quinn, so far, is not in the next book, so don’t look for him. Alcide, in Charlaine’s words, is “very much in the next book.” We will meet Eric’s sire in the next book. Charlaine was asked why she killed Claudine, and I wanted to know that as well, since she was one of the wonderful females in Sookie’s life, and had just found out she was pregnant. Ms. Harris said that she wanted to close off the fairy storyline almost completely because she was finished with it. I need that to cook in my brain a little bit, because we do know that Sookie has fairy blood in her, even if it’s just a trace. Also, I really like her great-grandfather. Actually, I liked the idea that Sookie had more relatives that loved her. He sort of took the place of Gran for a while.
Speaking of Gran, Charlaine was asked who she was patterned after in Ms. Harris’s life. Was she like her own grandmother? “No, she’ not like my grandmother, but she is the perfect grandmother.” She always liked the idea of the grandmother that baked pies and cookies, and was always warm and gentle.
Someone thanked Charlaine for the shower scene she wrote for Eric and Sookie in Dead to the World, to which Ms. Harris replied, “I’m so happy you all like Eric’s assets so much.” Speaking of great assets, Ms. Harris had a smidgen of a fangirl-like moment when she boasted of having been hugged by Ryan Kwanten. She loves Ryan’s portrayal of Jason. As for Anna Paquin playing Sookie, she is thrilled! Alan Ball told her who he had been considering for the part, and when she heard Anna was one of the actresses, she was very happy, and hoped Anna would get it. Charlaine, however, did not have a hand in casting for the show. She’s an author not a show biz person, she says.
I have to say, I could see a little bit of Sookie/Anna’s fiestiness coming out in Charlaine last night, when the inevitable question was asked if she was writing to try to please both of the Eric and Bill camps. She said no! She already knows where her characters are going and what-not, and she knows that not everyone is happy with what she is doing. That being said, these are her stories, her creations, and she makes the decisions herself. “In my (creative) world, I am the queen.” She was much applauded for that, and I was glad.
Ms. Harris would not tell who Sookie will end up with – Bill or Eric. She’s not spilling that information at all, so we’ll all just have to wait and see. We may have a long wait, too. Ms. Harris is writing book 10, and has just signed a new contract with Penguin Group Publishers for three more. Sookie fans, rejoice!
There were a couple questions asked about Charlaine’s other books last night. Yes, kind readers, she did write other stories besides Sookie & Co. When asked how many more Harper Connelly books she will write, the answer was only one more. Charlaine says that Harper’s stories are difficult to write because she travels to other places, and new characters have to be created for each town she and Tolliver go to. It’s draining! It’s not like Sookie, who lives in Bon Temps, only occasionally going to Shreveport or Dallas. Or Lily Bard and Aurora Teagarden, who stay in one town, with not much change in the characters residing there.
Charlaine delighted fans when she announced that she is planning a short story involving Sookie, Pam and a road trip. It was at that point that I did a little, Italian jig of happiness, and embarrassed myself. I think I will pay just about anything to read that story!

Signing books at Borders - Charlaine Harris
Soon after this, she began signing books. I think I was about 2/3 the way down the lineup, so it was a long wait. About two and a half hours. You know, my dogs were howling! It was well worth it though, and by the time I got to Ms. Harris, she told me she was running on pure adrenaline, at that point. Her eyes were a bit red, but her smile still sparkled as she posed for a picture with my younger daughter and myself. She’s so gracious and sweet that I think I would read the telephone book if she re-wrote it, just to return some the her kindness. As it is, I’ll just read all her published works and be happy.
It was a long night, but one that I’ll store in my memory banks, such as they are. Thank goodness for cameras. Apologies for the graininess and not so great quality in the photos here. My photographer ditched me in my hour of need and HBO wouldn’t loan me their’s.
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