True Blood in Louisiana for Season Finale: Let’s Speculate
As we reported previously, True Blood descended on Clinton, LA last week to wrap production on season 2. Several local news outlets covered the cast and crew’s visit to LA, providing us with photos, videos and recaps of the action.
The town of Clinton stood in for the fictional Bon Temps for the season finale which, based on photos from the LSU Daily Reveille, apparently turns into a party town for at least one night. In lieu of any real spoilers, let’s play photo assumption, shall we?

Anubis Air shuttle van on location for True Blood / copyright Zac Lemoine / The Daily Reveille
First, the cast members present included Bon Temps natives Anna Paquin (Sookie), Ryan Kwanten (Jason), Rutina Wesley (Tara), Sam Trammell (Sam) and Nelsan Ellis (Lafayette). No vampires? Maybe not on during the daytime location shoot, but the presence of the Anubis Air shuttle van makes one wonder who is lurking around. Is the van dropping off Sookie (and Jason) only? Or is Bill asleep while a daytime confrontation takes place?
If the vampires are part of whatever is going on in Bon Temps, it’s safe to say they wouldn’t be present for filming outdoors during the day. Unless we’re getting another Grilled Bill. (Please no!) does report that Stephen Moyer and Deborah Ann Woll were in the area, but we know that Alexander Skarsgard was already home in Sweden when these scenes were being filmed, so whatever Eric was up to in season 2 had already wrapped production.
Also of note is the amount of litter, including piles of discarded and trampled fruit, strewn about the set. The fruit is a major tip off: Maryann. Have Sookie and Jason returned home in the aftermath of a party that engulfed the entire town of Bon Temps? And if so, why is there no mention or photo of Michelle Forbes? A fan photo of Rutina Wesley shows Maryann’s snazzy red car in the background, but that doesn’t mean she was driving it. Perhaps Tara borrowed the car? So where is Maryann? Based on the lack of any fight wounds on the cast, who were in costume, it would appear that Maryann left peacefully.
Unless those scenes were filmed later, after the news crews were gone, so as not to tip us off. Oh Alan Ball, you are so sneaky.
See more photos from the LSU Daily Reveille at their website.