True Blood Happy Hour Rocks San Diego
We had the opportunity to attend two nights of the True Blood Happy Hour that went on in San Diego during Comic Con. The first one we attended was on Thursday night at the Rock Bottom. Two tickets were handed to us at the door and we joined about three hundred people inside. The tickets were for two complimentary drinks given to us in True Blood glasses. True Blood posters were everywhere and there was a snack table set up that was fabulous! We were literally shoulder to shoulder with True Blood fans; some dressed up in very creative costumes. The atmosphere was full of excitement and everyone seemed to be having a great time, although more than one were keeping a weather eye out for cast members, hoping they would make an appearance. That never happened where we were, but that didn’t stop anyone from having a great time. I know I was glad to be there.

True Blood Happy Hour at Bondi
The second night we attended was on Saturday night at the Bondi Bar. That place was hopping! Australia influenced the decor here, and I loved the little alcoves that were there for a more intimate party. Again, the place was decorated with True Blood posters and the drink of the night was the new TruBlood beverage and vodka. Yum! Servers were passing out shots and then you could go to the bar and get your complimentary, full sized beverage. You know I did! Two, in fact!
As I looked around me, I couldn’t help but appreciate the planning and expense that went into all of this. Three

Mel's new hat
nights of food, drink, music, dancing and getting crazy with people from all over. Did I mention the TruBlood t-shirts that were given away? These people know how to throw a partay! And nothing beat watching Mel charm the hat off of one great looking guy! I tell you, when girls let their hair down, watch out and head for the hills. We met some interesting people, as we sat outside with our drinks. Fringe‘s Jasika Nicole stopped in to check out the going’s on!
Parties celebrating your favorite movies and TV shows are also a regular part of the San Diego entertainment landscape. If you live in or around San Diego, or if you plan a visit there and would like a recommendation for eats and drinks, check out Bondi and Rock Bottom, in downtown San Diego. And as you make your plans for next year’s Con, add them to your list!