Jason’s Loyalty: True Blood Discussion Post

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This week’s episode was about various forms of entrapment and testing loyalties. We had Jason feeling guilty about betraying Steve with Sarah, although she certainly had no qualms about that. And in the end, it was his loyalty to Sookie that broke him free of the Fellowship of the Sun’s hold over his thoughts and actions. However, once Sarah learned that Jason and Sookie were siblings, that seemed to reassert her loyalty to the FOTS. The question is, did she know that the gun she used to shoot Jason was a paintball gun? Was she trying to incapacitate him in order to bring him back to receive his punishment alongside his sister? Or did she think she killed him?

Daphne’s loyalty to Maryann was proven when she brought Sam to the orgy, but once her usefulness was at an end, Maryann used another of her subjects to kill the shifter. We know now that when people are under Maryann’s influence, they don’t remember what happened, but it would appear that Eggs is starting to remember snippets. Will he remember what he did to Daphne? Will Tara figure out what’s going on in time to disentangle herself? And if Maryann is immortal, a maenad who has “never not been here”, can she be killed? How will the residents of Bon Temps be rid of her? Or will they?

Isabel thought she had Hugo’s loyalty, but Sookie discovered that he was, in fact, the traitor in the vampire nest. He sees himself as an addict, and since Isabel refuses to turn him, he sought help from the FOTS. Has Hugo outlived his usefulness to the FOTS? Will he meet the same fate as Daphne? Or will the vampires mete out justice when Sookie tells them what she discovered?

We saw Bill’s loyalty to Lorena played out in flashbacks throughout the episode as the two vampires were locked in a battle of wills in present day. Lorena clearly still wants Bill to be hers, but is finally forced to admit that he is in love with Sookie. We also learn that Lorena released Bill, which should mean that she no longer has a Maker’s control over him nor demands the loyalty of a Maker. Those who have read the book are probably joining me in wondering how that impacts the storyline. Is the simple fact that Lorena prevented Bill from coming to Sookie’s rescue enough for her to doubt his love? Will Eric take advantage of that, despite telling Isabel that he doesn’t desire Sookie? (Props to Isabel for somehow managing to not roll her eyes at that.)

Stan’s loyalty is in question, as Eric confronts him about his possible role in Godric’s capture. Those were two very tall vampires facing each other down!  Now that we know Hugo was the traitor, is Stan off the hook? Are his motives as pure as he claims?

Eric’s immediate departure for the FOTS, after overhearing Barry deliver Sookie’s message to Bill, underscores his loyalty to Godric, as does the snippet of the scene from next week’s preview. It will be interesting to see how Eric handles the situation once he arrives at the church. How will he react to Gabe’s attempted rape of Sookie? If I were Gabe, I’d change my name and go underground ASAP.

We also saw Lafayette getting his mojo back, or at least pretending to; Hoyt and Jessica feeling their way through their relationship; Arlene freaking out over Terry; and Andy freaking out in general. What are your thoughts on tonight’s episode? Did you see any other examples of loyalty proven or tested or broken?

Remember, no spoilers for future episodes!

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of True-Blood.net since 2008. Team Sookie!