Meet Sookie’s Cousin, Hadley
Sookie’s about to have more family show up in her life – her cousin, Hadley Hale, will be played by musician/actress Lindsey Haun and appear in three episodes, although it sounds like it could be two episodes this season and one episode next season. Here’s the scoop from Lindsey’s MySpace page:
Lindsey Haun is Hadley Hale
First of all, True Blood! Sooooo… our guitar player, Sarah Carter, was on episode 2 of this season, season 2, with her other band Rocket!! The episode is called “Get This Party Started” and Rocket is the back up band for the Christian rock singer chick. it’s pretty funny… and kinda wrong actually… in a good way. But wait there’s more!!! I, Lindsey Haun, will be on the last 2 episodes of the season! well actually, technically, 3. We shot about 3 weeks ago and it was amazing! I LOVE Alan Ball and the directors i got to work with, Michael Cuesta and Daniel Minahan! The crew was so incredibly nice and professional and hard working. What a treat to be on that set! I can’t tell you much because i don’t want to give the story away but i can tell you that i play Hadley Hale, Sookie Stackhouse’s (Anna Paquin) cousin. I got to work with Stephan Moyer, Alexander Skarsgard, and drum roll please… Evan Rachel Wood. i can’t tell you who she plays but i can tell you that she’s awesome! They’re all awesome! Anyway, i really want to work with all of them again so please watch the show and tell them that you want me on it more! lol!
The casting call for the character of Hadley reads: Sookie’s (Anna Paquin) cousin, this fresh-faced 20 something year old country girl is locked in a steamy clinch with the vampire queen (Evan Rachel Wood). The dazed Hadley has been seduced into a whole other world — but she still feels the pull of her human roots… She first appears in episode 211, “Frenzy”, set to air Sunday, August 30 on HBO.