Recap: Frenzy
Jason: “Sometimes you need to destroy something to save it. That’s in the Bible. Or the Constitution.”

Queen's day room copyright: HBO
I loved the Queen’s “day room” so, so much. It was luxurious and utterly weird, and it’s hard to pull off a combination like that. And it suited her, come to think of it, because the Queen is indeed luxurious and utterly weird. The Yahtzee game and some of the things she said were just hilarious. (She was cheating at Yahtzee. Who cheats at Yahtzee?)
Why does the Queen know who Sookie is? How close are the Queen and Bill? Or was it just because the Queen’s “human” is Sookie’s cousin Hadley? Queen, yes, I get it, hard to make excuses and get away, but why didn’t Bill leave sooner? Sookie obviously needed him in Bon Temps, even though she wasn’t in danger at the time. At least Bill now knows how to take down a maenad. I think.
We finally know why Maryann targeted Bon Temps: Tara’s ordeal with Miss Jeanette opened the door. That even makes sense. I’m among the scads of fans who are tired of the Maryann plot, though. I wonder if they should have held back the crazy for awhile, and accelerated later in the season? Character actor William Sanderson (Bud) doing a square dance half naked may have been my favorite black-eye scene, period. There could have been a lot more of that instead of all the orgies.
I totally understood what Sookie said about her house being defiled. She’s had a terrible time lately, and what Maryann has done to her house is probably like bitter frosting on a really awful cake. Sacrilege. That scene on the kitchen floor was pretty funny, though, with Sookie braining Mike the coroner with a saucepan.
Jason is now convinced that God sent him to the leadership conference so that he could save Bon Temps. Who knows? Maybe he’s right. His speculations about Sam were too funny; I laughed throughout that entire Jason/Andy conversation in the truck. Note how all of Jason’s theories about what Sam can do in animal form had to do with sex. I also loved how Andy called Jason a damn fool, and Jason promptly walked into a tree.

copyright: HBO
Sam was terrific. He told Jason and Andy the truth about himself. He took care of Arlene’s kids. He went to Eric for help. And for me, Eric was the highlight of the episode. Children, yum. Teacup humans. Taking off straight up into the air, but only after carefully buttoning his suit coat. I even loved the self-conscious way he kept trying to make his hair lie down flat post-flight while he was arguing with Bill.
And hey. Gorgeous grey suit. Yowsa. Not that I didn’t like the black tank top.
A great big egg? Really? What is it? A dinosaur egg? The future “god” imagining itself into existence? Did Daphne pop one out before she died after a romp around town as an ostrich? I found myself hoping it was just really weird performance art, because this is getting way too bizarre.
I take brief notes when I watch the show, and looking at part of last night’s made me laugh out loud:
grey suit
Eric can fly!
house is defiled
vamps eating kids
Bits and pieces:
— For Hoyt, blood turned out to be thicker than… well, this metaphor isn’t going to work on a show with vampires, but Jessica shouldn’t have gotten between Hoyt and his mother. At least not this early in their relationship. I hope it’s not over for those two crazy kids.
— Eric confronted Bill about giving Sookie blood the night they met, and Bill actually looked guilty.
— Sookie and Lafayette are both dreaming about Eric. Lafayette is clearly not having as much fun, though. Eric as Lettie Mae was just too disturbing. How am I supposed to fantasize about a hot vampire when he’s in a church lady dress?
— Lettie Mae shot cats with her BB gun. And she chose the worst possible time to listen to Tara. Typical.
— Tara was an utter idiot. Yes, she’s in love, but she was an idiot.
— Lafayette just killed Karl. And replaced him as Maryann’s chef, unfortunately.
— Potato chips, Snickers, and hot sauce casserole. Gah. And poor Hoyt just found out his father killed himself. It hasn’t been a good day for Hoyt.
— I particularly liked the subtle way that Bill cringed a little every time the Queen said something obscene or profane. He was freaked when she said they should have sex, but didn’t let it show. Much.
— Hadley doesn’t know Gran is dead, and Bill didn’t tell her.
— Lafayette has fuzzy purple handcuffs. Of course he does.
Jessica: “Did you hear all those nasty things she said about you? And me?”
Hoyt: “She’s my mama! She gets to! Where the hell are you from?”
Queen: “What gives you the right to say no to the femoral blood of a good woman? You know what your problem is, William? You are a snob. I hate snobs. Tiny tiny souls. Or penises. Or both.” That was pretty insulting.
Jason: “I read a book about this. This is Armageddon. This is the oral history of the zombie war.” I honestly don’t know where Jason came up with that one.
Cop: “Chinese fire drill?”
Jason: “Russian roulette.”
Sam: “Hopefully someday I might be able to give you something you need.”
Eric: “Can you give me Sookie Stackhouse?”
Pam rolled her eyes. Is she jealous?
Eric: “Come on, Pam. They’re funny. They’re like humans, but miniature. Teacup humans.” Okay, much to do on the True Blood discussion list about Eric chomping on kids. But note that he didn’t say they were delicious in English; it was in Swedish. I choose to believe he was joking with Pam, and said it in Swedish so as not to scare the kids.
Queen: “It seems your friend Mr. Northman is here.”
Bill: “It’s definitely time for me to go.”
Queen: “This alpha male posturing. You two really should just fuck each other and get it over with. I could watch.”
This reminded me of Buffy telling Spike to wrestle it out with Angel, and oil of some kind being involved.
Another witty, fast moving episode. Three out of four stakes,
(Season 2, episode 11)