Someone’s Disappearance: True Blood Finale Discussion
First, apologies for the delay in getting this up. So many Truebies were on the site last night that I couldn’t get on! Also, yes, vague title, but I don’t want to spoil the cliffhanger for anyone who might chance upon us without having seen the finale.
So. The finale. Several storylines were wrapped up while others were brought to the forefront for season 3. First, let’s talk about what was wrapped up:
Ding dong, Maryann is gone! I know a lot of fans felt this storyline stretched on too long, and I agree, so it was something of a relief to have it finished by the episode’s midpoint. And what a finish it was! Bill and Sam worked together to defeat her in a shocking way. Who honestly thought Sam would be stabbed? I had a moment of panic for my man there, before it sunk in that Bill was going to heal him. Maryann’s demise at the horn of (unbeknown to her) Sam was another shocker, and I almost felt sorry for her, knowing she’d been duped. Almost. Her nasty, black heart needed to die.

Why could Maryann gain control of Jason, but not Sookie?
Poor Eggs, meanwhile, could not cope with knowing he’d done some “real bad things” under Maryann’s influence. Early in the season he told Tara that he’d done some terrible things in his past and was seeking deliverance, which was why he was with Maryann. To discover that his savior was actually sending him deeper into hell was too much. As a result, Jason killed him. Yes, it was to protect Andy, and Andy is going to cover it up, but can Jason reconcile his actions? He’d just reached a certain level of maturity, telling Andy that even if no one knew they were responsible for saving the town (as Jason is sure they did), it was the right thing to do. Will he be able to work his way through having killed a man to save his friend, or will this be a major setback in Jason’s growth? And why was Maryann able to gain control of him, but not Sookie?
Tara seems to have bounced back quickly, although I have to wonder if that girl is going to ever feel safe in the Merlotte’s parking lot again. This is the second time in a matter of months that she’s seen the dead body of someone she knew out there. Based on her history, who – or what – will she turn to for help in dealing with all of this? It appears Lafayette plans to brace himself with a stiff drink, but is it for what’s already happened or what’s to come?
Sam finally went on the journey he planned several weeks ago, when the Maryann craziness was first starting, and it led him back to his adoptive parents’ house in search of answers. He got some closure from Mrs. Merlotte, and some names and an address from a dying Mr. Merlotte. Will he find his birth parents? Will he find the answers about his identity that he’s looking for? How will that impact his feelings for Sookie? He clearly still feels strongly for her, enough to sacrifice himself – and team up with her boyfriend – to save her. Loved that the sought her out telepathically. That was a powerful scene.

Will Hoyt's newfound spine withstand Jessica's antics?
Hoyt stood up to his mama and stormed out to find Jessica and make up. Jessica pretended that she was going to make up with Hoyt, but went to the local truck stop to make out with random dudes instead. Not unexpected from our rebellious teen vampire, but will she and Hoyt make up? Or will he go back to mama?
Meanwhile, Eric finds himself stuck in a never-ending game of Yahtzee with the Queen (who doesn’t cheat!) and a couple of her pets. We learned that the Queen is indeed behind Eric forcing Lafayette to deal V again, and she does not want that to be public knowledge. What’s her motive? Why is she selling the lifeforce of her own kind to humans? And where is she getting it? Is her order that Eric keep Bill from spilling the beans behind his kidnapping, or are other forces at work?
Speaking of our cliffhanger…Bill redeemed himself considerably in this episode, doing what he had to in order to save Sookie. But asking her to marry him after, what, 3 months? Sure, it’s romantic and all, but I have to give Sookie props for not being a cliche and immediately saying yes. The weight of all that’s happened since she met Bill came crashing down, not to mention her concerns about being a mortal, and she needed some time to process it. On her own, though, she was able to see past all of that to her love for Bill and gleefully came out to tell him yes. Only to see that he was gone again, this time clearly not by choice. Who took him? The Queen’s guards? Lorena, the woman scorned? Is anyone from The Fellowship Of the Sun still around? Or is this a threat from an entirely new sector?
It’s going to be a long 9 months until we get any answers, but check back on Wednesday for what we know is coming up in season 3. We will also be providing recommendations for what to watch, read, and listen to during the hiatus over the next several months.