True Blood Game On The Way?

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Is HBO developing a True Blood game? It certainly looks that way., a video game news site, noticed that HBO filed a trademark application with the government for a game based on the series. According to the application, the trademark covers:

amusement apparatus and games adapted for use with television receivers or with video or computer monitors, video games, computer games, game programs, video game discs, video game cartridges, video game CD-ROMs, video game cassettes, handheld video game devices, games, online games and electronic games.

That’s a pretty wide range of possibilities! What sort of game do you invision? Something like Jason and Steven Newlin’s paintball vampire target practice, or maybe a Diner Dash-type game at Merlotte’s? Whatever HBO has in the works, you know we’ll be all over it!

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of since 2008. Team Sookie!


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