SPOILERS: Did TV Guide Figure It Out?

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In a previous spoiler, True Blood executive producer revealed that there will be a death in season 3. In this week’s TV Guide Mega Buzz, Mickey thinks the TV Guide gang knows who it will be:

Did Alan Ball give any hints about who is going to die next season on True Blood? — Andy
Ball, the show’s executive producer, plays a great game of “Not Gonna Tell,” as we learned the hard way. But after consulting the official Mega Buzz Facial Cues Reader, we’re going with Maxine Fortenberry and not Lorena.

What do you think, would you be happy to see Maxine go? Would you be satisfied if she were to “get what she deserves”?

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of True-Blood.net since 2008. Team Sookie!