Win a Tru Blood Beverage Party Pack
True Blood season 3 will be here before you know it, and we want you to be ready to par-tay! We’ve partnered with FMCG Manufacturing to give away another Tru Blood beverage party pack which includes the following exclusive items:
(1) 4 pack Tru Blood
- (1) “All Flavor, No Bite” poster
- (2) Tru Blood branded cocktail menu table tents
- (50) Tru Blood branded cocktail napkins
You can’t purchase the napkins, posters, or menus in stores; these promotional items are available exclusively at events like the People’s Choice Awards and here at!
The idea behind the Tru Blood party pack is to keep it for the season 3 premiere in June, but of course you could use it to host any True Blood-themed event. Maybe you want to toast the rerun of season 2, starting March 21 on HBO. Or the DVD/Blu-ray release on May 25. Or perhaps you’re having a True Blood birthday party. Truebies are a creative bunch; we’re sure you’ll find a reason to party hearty with this party pack!
How to Enter
Answer the three questions below to be entered to win. Entries must be posted no later than 11:59PM Pacific on Thursday, April 22, 2010. One (1) winner will be drawn from eligible entries.
NOTE: This contest is open to U.S. residents only!
**This contest is concluded. Congrats to Courtney W.!**