Friday Five: Most Anticipated Moments for Season 3
Today’s Friday Five focuses on the scenes that fans are looking forward to seeing the most. With the new trailer being released and spoilers and posters, the heat is on and people are talking!
- Sookie and Alcide – One of the most talked about pairings that people are looking forward to this series is the relationship between these two – if there is one.
We know that Alcide is hired to protect Sookie but how far will it go? And by the way, have you SEEN Joe Manganiello?!
- Sookie and Eric – Well the girl certainly gets around, doesn’t she? When Bill’s away, Sookie is free to play. Perhaps that was Eric’s plan? Maybe he arranged for Bill’s little adventure. We’ll know on June 13th!
- Lorena – We know that she’ll be back, but will she help or hurt? She left Bill on pretty friendly terms last season, but we’ve heard some disturbing rumors.
- Pam – My favorite Fangtasia vamp, I am hoping to see more action from her this series. I’d like to see more interaction between her and the Sook as well as continued fun with Eric.
- Tara and Franklin – From what we’ve glimpsed in the little drops of True Blood that HBO has leaked, this relationship looks to be dangerous and hot. Very different from Tara and Eggs, that’s for sure.
Less than 30 days and all will begin to be revealed. It’s heart-stopping excitement for sure!