True Blood Fashion Q&A: Sookie’s Dresses, Debbie’s Jacket
True Blood sure knows how to dress their cast, often resulting in “where can I get that?” emails to us after an episode airs. If we get enough inquiries about an item, we’ll do our best to get the details for you, usually straight from the source – True Blood costume designer Audrey Fisher. This week we answer emails about dresses & a leather jacket.

Did Sookie's dress hint at her true identity?
Q. I love the dress that Sookie wears in the season 3 cast poster (the one in the woods), and have been attempting to find out, with no luck, where it is from. If you could let me know the designer, that would be wonderful. – Allison
A. She looks amazing in that photo, doesn’t she? Almost…fairy-like! Audrey Fisher consulted on this shoot but it was styled by someone else because she (Audrey) was in production on True Blood season 3 at the time. However, she does remember, because she’s a genius, that the dress is by Roberto Cavalli. It’s no longer available, though, and nothing in his current line looks similar. Perhaps you could find it on eBay or at a consignment shop dealing in higher-end clothing.
Q. What was the dress sookie wore at the end of season 2, the lavender/lilac one? – Lindsay
A. Sookie’s lovely lilac gown, a gift from Bill, was designed and built in-house by Audrey Fisher and her team.
Q. I love the site, and was super excited to find that you had a fashion column! I’m in LOVE with the red leather jacket Debbie wore during her fight scene with Sookie! Any idea where that came from? I’d love to have it! – Jess
A. Hmmm…you’re not Baby Vamp Jess, right? Because I’m not sure this red leather jacket would go with that gorgeous red hair. It’s by punk/goth label Lip Service and was customized by Audrey to suit the character. It doesn’t appear to be available any longer, alas.
Next week we’ll answer some jewelry-related questions. If you have a fashion query, feel free to drop us a line and we’ll do our best to get the answer for you.
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