Rutina Wesley ‘Ships Sam/Tara, Previews True Blood Finale

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Fancast has a new interview with True Blood star Rutina Wesley, who is doing amazing work this season as Tara. She keeps her comments on the season finale pretty vague, but does talk about attending Anna Paquin and Stephen Moyer’s wedding, her plans for attending her first Emmys, working with James Frain, and why she thinks Sam and Tara should get together.

What have been some of your favorite scenes from this season?
I definitely would say being tied to the bed and him texting on the phone and me sitting at the table trying not to eat those flowers and throwing plates at people’s heads.  We had some serious scenes.  Also, some of my favorite scenes have been when we’ve seen Tara with Sam.  Seeing Sam comfort her is nice.  As Rutina the actor, I love to see those two together because they make sense to me.  They really get each other.  I just don’t know if Tara will ever be stable enough to see him for who he is and see that he’s a good guy.

So you think Sam is the right man for Tara?
I think she and Sam could work.

What about Jason? She kissed him last week.
I think that was in the moment.  She was very vulnerable and needed affection.  Immediately after she said, ‘I am so messed up. What am I doing?’  Like, I need to be alone.  I am not myself.

(Read the full interview here…)

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