Friday Five: Fairy Facts

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I wanted to do something in honor of St. Patrick’s Day, even though this is the day after. Since Fairies play a very real part in Charlaine Harris‘s Sookie Stackhouse books, and they’ve been included in True Blood, I thought a few facts about them would be in order.

  1. Four Leaf Clovers: protect against fairy spells and may allow you to see them, if you remain very still.
  2. Iron Horseshoes: hang one over your door and fairies cannot enter your home.
  3. Fairies move very quickly: this allows them to become invisible and blend into the woods.
  4. Can take human lovers: fairies have been known to enchant humans and trap them in the fairy realm.
  5. Crosses and bells are believed to ward off fairies.
(Source: The Fairy Faith)

Over-night fan (almost literally) of the Sookie Stackhouse series since early 2008. Co-owner of Anxiously anticipating season 6.