Notes & Photos from True Blood Panel at C2E2
Did you follow my live updates on Twitter from yesterday’s Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo (C2E2), 2011? I think I had the best seat in the house – front row, center, in Sam Trammell‘s direct line of vision. Sweet!
The panel consisted of Sam, Kristin Bauer and Brit Morgan, who enjoyed her first time on a panel at a convention anywhere. I was glad to see Brit, though she was a little nervous. She did very well and seemed to have a lot of fun. She certainly appeared to relax on the stage as she started to talk about her role as ‘Debbie Pelt‘ on True Blood.
The trio didn’t give us any new spoilers, but it was great listening to their experiences from the past three seasons, and a bit from season 4. Here are some highlights:
- In response to a fan question, Kristin says that there are going to be more Jessica/Pam moments, and she would like to work more with Deborah Ann Woll. She says the relationship is a “slow build”.
- Among some winks and nods between Kristina and Brit, Kristin says that she is “very excited” about Brit’s role in S4.
- The cast receive their scripts up to two weeks in advance of filming, which is different than a lot of other shows. Sam says they appreciate that the writers respect and trust them so much.
- On a scale of 1 – 10, a fan asks Kristin just how hot is Alexander Skarsgard, for reals? She replies, “Eleven!” Brit just sighed and got a dreamy look in her eyes.
- A fan asked if we will get to see more from Pam’s past, when she was turned by Eric. Kristin wouldn’t say but she would love to delve further and explore their relationship in the ‘early days’.
- Kristin did say that her relationship with Eric will undergo a marked change this season, due to Eric’s loss of memory and the whole story surrounding that.
- Kristin very excitedly states that Pam is “effing bitchtastic this season!” That needs to be on a t-shirt, HBO!
- Kristin explains that she knows Pam so well that when she has to speak her lines or react in a scene, she needs very little direction. It comes naturally to her.
- Fan question: who is their favorite character on the show? Brit’s is Jessica. Sam loves Terry Bellefluer. He says Terry is hilarious and has some of the best lines. He refers to one of his favorite scenes from last season, when Terry was reading The List to Arlene through the bathroom door.
- The question was asked about the ‘special relationship’ between Eric and Lafayette. The only thing the three could reveal was that they have been having a lot of fun with Lafayette this season. Hmm…
- Sam says that Sam Merlotte will get some love this season, to which I shouted out, “Will she live?” Sam laughed and said, “That’s a great question!” Poor Sam seems to have bad luck with the ladies.
- Sam talked a bit about filming his nude scenes. Did you know that he still has to go to makeup for those? Who knew? He says it’s a lot like going on a date without and trying not to hook up.
- The cast were asked if they get to suggest storylines for their characters. This made me laugh because I know Alan Ball’s answer to this. Sam replied that he once wrote a multi-page story line for Sam and gave it to Alan. He doesn’t think Alan has read it yet.
- When asked what they thought the real appeal of True Blood has been to the masses, Kristin and Sam both credit the cast and crew. Everyone on staff is so marvelous that it is reflected in each episode.
- Brit was asked about her audition for the part of Debbie Pelt. She basically stuttered through the whole thing and thought there was no chance that she’d get the role. She was so nervous about auditioning for and Alan Ball project.
- Kristin found out that she landed the role of Pam via a text message! She was in the Philippines working on another project when she got the message.
- Sam thinks Pam’s clothes are the best!
It was a lively panel and a nice turn-out in Chicago. Here are my photos that were taken with my amateurish little camera, and be sure to check out our gallery for more photos.