SPOILERS: Watch the First Six Minutes of the True Blood Season 4 Premiere
HBO GO subscribers have access to the first 6 minutes of the True Blood season 4 premiere, “She’s Not There”. We recapped the first 3 minutes last week, now we have another segment to explore.
After discovering her Granddaddy Earl in Fairie land, Sookie sits down with him to chat. He asks after Adele (Sookie lies and says that her passing was “peaceful”) then reveals that to him, the 20 years he’s been here seems like a few hours. “Everything just feels so lovely.” Cue ominous music and a slight cracking in the beauty surrounding her. Sookie telepaths at Earl that they need to leave, that this is all a trap. He can hear her…but so can all the faeries, leading to the arrival of Queen Mab.
Mab tries to convince Sookie to eat a Lumiere fruit. Sookie refuses. Mab accuses Sookie of putting them all in danger by allowing Bill to access Faerie by drinking her blood. Mab says that they’re “harvesting” the people with faerie blood to protect their race. Mab again tries to force Sookie to eat a light fruit, but Sookie’s powers kick in and her microwave fingers push Mab back, revealing that the paradise around them is an illusion. Instead, they’re living on a barren plain and the faeries’ true form is not at all beautiful.
“Grandaddy, RUN!”
Cut to black.