Recap 4.05 True Blood “Me and the Devil”
Sookie: “I always knew there was decency in you, even when you were a smug, sarcastic ass.”
This episode was a hoot. We got an upgrade in plotlines I initially thought were a waste of time, and a specific all-encompassing theme: parents, grandparents, great-great-great-great grandfathers, packmasters and makers, and I think we even got an ancestor in there. The whole parental gamut, as it were.
Matricide, patricide, and justifiable homicide
I don’t plan to cry about the deaths of the horrible Mickenses, especially after they tried to chain, imprison and exploit their own son. Does Tommy have the emotional strength to survive something like this? At least he has a big brother who has experience concealing murders and getting rid of bodies. Gators like marshmallows. (What’s that in Swedish? I was saying “krokodiler” all last week.)
It was smart of Tommy to go to Sam for help, and Sam showed Tommy some compassion by sharing the truth about his own murders. But Sam’s coldness has been quite a turnoff for me, I must say; he showed no sadness at the deaths of both of his parents, or remorse for the two people he killed. If Tommy hadn’t been sharp enough to masquerade as a gator, would Sam have killed Andy just as coldly?
Tommy can shift into his mother now, can’t he?
A timely visit from Gran
Sookie went undercover to read Marnie’s mind about Eric, and instead got a strong message from her Gran. And we got a vampire history lesson. Apparently, vampires had infiltrated the Catholic Church back in 1610, and at her execution, Antonia used necromancy to pull them into the light. No wonder Marnie is freaking the vamps.
The execution Bill had to carry out at the behest of the Authority makes more sense plotwise, now. Bill can’t have Marnie killed. And Marnie genuinely doesn’t know how to reverse the spells that Antonia cast (at least Antonia finally has a name) and I bet Antonia can never be compelled to reverse them herself. I wonder if Antonia is an ancestor of Marnie’s? It would certainly be in keeping with the theme of this episode. Every time Antonia looks right at Marnie, I think her master plan is to switch places with her.
Grandfathers with lead in their pencils
Lafayette and Jesus, still terrified of Eric, are off to Mexico to visit Grandpa because Jesus wants that goat-killing power. Getting off on killing a goat doesn’t make me feel all that good about Jesus. I still think Lafayette, not Jesus, is the answer to the spells. I bet he’s the only one more powerful than Marnie and/or Antonia.
Portia went through all of the arguments about incest and common DNA that we went through last week, and I was right; Bill can’t do it because it’s an emotional issue for him. He probably sees Portia as an extension of his daughter. I bet glamoring Portia will come back to bite Bill.
Godric returned in Eric’s dream, although it obviously was less Godric and more the voice of Eric’s conscience. Eric’s amnesia and confusion have made him child-like. It was so sweet, him crying in Sookie’s lap. And he was dressed like a teenager. Okay, a really large teenager with fangs. (Those shorts strike fear in no one, Eric.)
Speaking of innocuous clothing, Sookie spent most of the episode in a sweet yellow sundress, definitely in line with her new softness. (More like book Sookie, too.) Maybe she really is falling in love with Eric, even though her Gran just warned her not to do it, Eric is bound to change back at some point, and Bill is about to explode on her doorstep, catching them at some flagrante position or another. Damn. Hate it when that happens. Well, it hasn’t happened yet.
At least we got passionate smoochies, initiated by Sookie, no less. How cute that they staged it on the steps so that the height difference wouldn’t be so noticeable.
I was sad that Pam betrayed Eric. Was it just being freaked about her face? Maybe a little jealousy about Eric’s affection for someone else?
Ghost daddy
The devil baby plot was actually fun this time. How did that happen? Maybe because Arlene has realized that baby daddy Rene is probably behind it all. Although the best part was Tara’s horrendous mother and new stepdaddy prancing around the Bellefleur
abode with burning sage unsuccessfully evicting evil from the corners. (Maybe they should try salt in the doorways.)
During the entire hilarious exorcism scene, baby Mikey was wearing a beret. Nice touch.
Okay, I can’t think of a parental heading for this one
Jason is now free, healthy again, and rethinking his former habits, but his new dream theme isn’t going to help that along at all. I could not stop laughing, especially when Hoyt showed up to coach from the sidelines. I bet Jason’s conscience couldn’t quite allow him to cheat with his best friend’s girl, even in a dream and while under the influence of vampire blood.
Now all that remains is to wait and see what happens to Jason during the full moon.
Bits and pieces:
— Did the title of this episode change? When I was looking for photos, they all said something else.
— Marcus Bozeman, Shreveport packmaster, stopped by to assert his authority, and Alcide refused to heel. Wonder what Debbie will do?
— We met the four other Louisiana sheriffs, one of which was just outside of town during Antonia’s execution in 1610. I bet Antonia and Luis the sheriff are destined to meet again.
— The burning sage and of course the magic shop reminded me of Buffy. Sookie mentioned Sabrina and Charmed, and Lafayette called Marnie “Witchy-poo.”
— Sookie kept Eric’s presence from Tara. Surprise. I bet that friendship is over. And Tara’s lies just got her in trouble with her girlfriend. It’s too bad it was the least interesting part of this episode.
— Bill’s prison is a lot nicer than the basement at Fangtasia.
— Andy is constantly encountering shifters in animal form, isn’t he? Maybe it’s his karma.
— Since I’ve mentioned clothes, Sookie’s pink nightshirt had angels on it. Really. Why was Eric in his cubby while it was still dark out? Did Sookie make him go to bed early?
(Standing over Tommy’s unconscious body)
Melinda: “Is he dead?”
Joe Lee: “He’s just resting.”
Pining for the fjords, no doubt.
Hoyt: “You just saved my best friend’s life.”
Jessica: “It’s all in the wrist.”
Eric: “Am I evil?”
Sookie: “You’re not Gandhi. But no, you’re not evil.”
Bill: “Good. The world needs more beekeepers.”
Pam: “I can put up with a lot. But when you fuck with my face, it’s time to die.”
Jason: (as God) “You have fucked too many hot women. Now let’s see how *you* like it.”
Tommy: “It’s in the Ten Commandments. Don’t kill shit, don’t fuck with your parents. I did both.”
Bill: “In the 1600s, that was the Catholic Church. And today, as you all know, it’s Google and Fox News.”
There’s a large vampire presence at Google and Fox News? That explains a lot.
There wasn’t anything about this episode I didn’t enjoy. Four out of four beekeeper veils,
Billie Doux
(Billie Doux and her contributing writers review science fiction, fantasy and cult television shows at