5 Actors Who Could Play Quinn
True Blood season 4 is speeding toward a climactic conclusion, one that we’re sure will leave Truebies begging for next summer to come quickly and bring season 5 with it. One of the characters from book 5 that many have been anticipating, and who we think will show up in True Blood season 5, is Quinn.
John Quinn is a full-blooded weretiger who first appears in the fifth book Dead as a Doornail. He’s at least 6 1/2 feet tall, impressively muscular, bald, with olive skin and striking purple eyes. He works as the supernatural coordinator for Extreme(ly Elegant) Events where his job is to arrange and emcee all types of supernatural community events. He and Sookie date for a while, but he’s reticent about sharing his past with her and eventually she breaks up with him, finally resolving their relationship in “Small-Town Wedding” in The Sookie Stackhouse Companion.
Vin Diesel: Charlaine Harris has noted that Vin was one of her inspirations for Quinn, so no list is complete without him. He isn’t quite as tall as book Quinn, but few actors are (in fact, with Alexander Skarsgard and Joe Manganiello already cast, that’s pretty much dried up the pool). Does Vin have the acting chops to play Quinn? The weretiger’s backstory is a tragic one and we haven’t seen much by way of convincing emotion from Vin. On the other hand, he has the stoic, silent type down cold.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson: He’s big, he’s burly, and he can rock the bald look. So far we’ve mostly seen Dwayne in comedic or action roles, but he might surprise us with some dramatic skills and we think he’d jump at the opportunity to be part of True Blood. Does he have the predatory look needed for Quinn? Can you picture him with Sookie? He’s not our first choice, but Sookie might like what The Rock is cookin’.
Oded Fehr: Not an obvious choice, but we think Oded has the intensity and exotic good looks that could make him a compelling Quinn. He can do brooding, he can do sensual, he can do dangerous, and he can do charming. Of all the guys on our list, he’s also the one we can see working for E(E)E in a (sort of) public capacity. It would be a shame to lose the hair, though.
Shemar Moore: Currently starring in Criminal Minds, we think Shemar could moonlight as a different incarnation of Quinn. He’s gorgeous, yes, and tall and built, but Shemar has an open quality that book Quinn did not. There’s a lightheartedness about him, even when dealing with a horrific case on the CBS series, that could be a breath of fresh air in Bon Temps in general and for Sookie in particular. We could actually see her going out to dinner with him and NOT having it turn into a supernatural crisis!
Jason Momoa: Our current favorite choice for Quinn, Jason just came off a stellar turn as Khal Drogo in HBO’s Game of Thrones and recently hit the big screen as Conan in the new Conan the Barbarian. Losing that gorgeous dark hair would be sad, but we think he’d look smashing as bald, dangerous Quinn. We were also impressed by his layered performance on GoT, given in a completely fictional language. If Jason lands the role of the weretiger, then Eric, Bill & Alcide are in for some serious competition.
What do you think? Are we on the right track with our armchair casting picks or are we missing the obvious? Vote in the poll and sound off in the comments below.