Op-Ed: Eric vs. Bill Debates Make Hiatus Feel Longer

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Note: This is a guest post from Cha, a frequent commentor on True-Blood.net.

Eric vs. Bill is an ongoing debate between our fellow Truebies that seems to be never-ending. Much like the very magic that occurs within Bon Temps city limits and beyond, it also seems to sneak its way into almost every post, relevant or not.

Believe me, I know all too well what it means to be passionate about people I love. My son is two years old and I just last week stopped emailing and texting weekly pics and milestone updates to family and friends… Ok ok it was more like yesterday, the point is, I stopped. 🙂 The lightbulb appeared and the epiphany was hand delivered by my subconscious mind. “Cha, not everyone is interested 100% of the time about the happenings and goings on of your little lamb.”  Everything in moderation. It’s nothing personal, but everyone is passionate about something and to be bombarded constantly by the passions of another is a huge turn off to say the least.

It’s like starting a conversation with a good friend about your new job and by the end of the conversation you’re listening to yet another story about how great her new man is or how cool his new car handles for the 100th time! Grrr! It’s so random, redundant and off topic that you find yourself volunteering to drink the kool-aid. Or for a little less dramatics, just never calling them again.

I say all that to say this…Don’t be a pushy proud mommy or a fairweather friend that hardly listens. There are and will be tons of posts that are perfect platforms to get your Eric/Sookie vs. Bill/Sookie debates going. However hijacking random posts that simply mention these characters is completely inappropriate, not to mention disrespectful to the author.

Respectfully, the fact is that as a fellow Truebie looking for a place to pass the time and seek the company of friends during the hiatus, reading the same thing repeatedly is making an 8 month wait feel like 8 years.

I’m just sayin’…