SPOILERS: Teasers from the New Sookie Stackhouse Novel “Deadlocked”
A couple of days ago I received an advance copy of Charlaine Harris’ new Sookie Stackhouse novel, Deadlocked. Mel and I will post our review when the book is released, but I couldn’t resist teasing you all with some sentences from the book. Most people were jealous and a few expressed their hatred of me, but I know that deep down, you guys love me and cherish me.
Anyway, here’s what happened when I began tweeting:
TrueBloodDotNet: Guess who has an advance copy of the new Sookie Stackhouse book, Deadlocked, in her hot, greedy little hands? Mwahaha! #Deadlocked…
- boulevardofmary: @TrueBloodDotNet OMG OMG OMG OMG I CANNOT BREATHE
- armccall: @TrueBloodDotNet JEALOUS
- PrincessNatti: @TrueBloodDotNet I’m so jealous :((
- darwido: @TrueBloodDotNet JEALOUS!!!
- vbb69: @TrueBloodDotNet I am beyond green with envy!!!!!! Enjoy :)!
- nicholamolloy @TrueBloodDotNet NOO! How did you get it? Tell meeeee
- BelleDeBayou: @TrueBloodDotNet WOW super jealous!!!!
- sidefarm: @TrueBloodDotNet So? Was it so good? The only one of the series that took me more than a day to read was the last. How long did it take you?
TrueBloodDotNet: Finished the new Sookie Stackhouse book #Deadlocked at 2:30 a.m. Yes as a matter of fact I did read it straight through.
TrueBloodDotNet: Sentence from #Deadlocked: Sookie: “”Why would ______have done such a thing?” You’re welcome!
krtmd: @TrueBloodDotNet Would you say the #Deadlocked synopsis we’ve seen on amazon.uk is accurate?
Reply: Yes
VampLuv83: @TrueBloodDotNet No fair, its not released till May 1st!!! So jealous….any thing u can say about it?
Reply: @VampLuv83 Well, I just tweeted one sentence directly from the book, did you see it? You want more?
Reply from VampLuv83: @TrueBloodDotNet lol, yeah, I saw it. Such a tease! Is the end a cliff hanger? Any hot love scenes???
Reply to VampLuv83: @VampLuv83 Can’t say and hard to say. I can say that some questions get definite answers and some clearly will have to wait till the final book.
alice_louise95x: @TrueBloodDotNet So jealous! Is it good?
Reply: @alice_louise95x I think so! But I’ve never been disappointed by Charlaine’s books.
lilabitblf: @TrueBloodDotNet i hate you
TrueBloodDotNet: Ok, this one’s for @lilabitblf who hates me. “”But truly I want your happiness, above almost everything else.” You all decide who says this.
And that’s pretty much what the reactions were. I’ve sent on my copy to Mel so she can read and get her review ready. I’m sure she will tweet more teasers as she reads. If you think I was mean, wait till she starts taunting you all!