A Little About Lilith and the Vampire Creation Myth {SPOILERS}
In this week’s episode of True Blood, we met The Authority and heard the vampire creation story. According to their holy text, God created Lilith, a vampire, in His image. So who is this Lilith of vampire mythology?
According to Jewish mythology, Lilith was Adam’s first wife. Her legend is used to explain an apparent discrepancy in the two accounts of creation in Genesis which suggests that God first created Adam and Lilith, but Adam was unhappy with her, so God later created Eve to be his mate. This story was later merged with Sumerian myths about female vampires called “Lillu” and Mesopatomian myths about succubbae (female night demons). Sometime in the Middle Ages, Lilith’s legend emerged in Jewish mythology full of references to her as a demon who seduces men and produces demon babies. Very vampiresque, yes? Read more about the Lilith myth here.
Now here’s where the spoiler comes in – WARNING! SPOILER ALERT!
Roman paid homage to Lilith in the blood “communion” ritual he performed in this episode:
“The blood of Lilith. The first, the last, the Eternal. We are born of Lilith, who was created in God’s image. The first, the last, the Eternal. We swear fealty to the blood and to the Progenitor. The first, the last, the Eternal. Lord and Lilith, Father and Mother, protect as was we protect you. From this day until the hour of the true death. And in the Lord and Lilith’s name we say: Vampyr.”
A casting call for episode 5.07 was slipped in after the bigger call, looking to cast what seemed like a small role. Or not.
[LIL] Female, early to late 20s. She’s supermodel beautiful. Strong and ethereal. No lines in the first episode. Recurring. FULL FRONTAL NUDITY REQUIRED.
Looks like we’re going to meet the mother of all vampires in a few weeks. There’s some speculation that Brianna Brown, formerly of General Hospital along with Authority member Carolyn Hennesy, has been cast as Lil. She appears in the season 5 preview at about the 1:00 mark (see screencap) and will recur in several episodes according to her website. However, her first episode is 5.04, airing July 1. The “Lil” casting call could have been sneaked in for 5.07 but retroactive for 5.04. What do you think?
UPDATED: The promo Brianna was referring to was the second one, so the scene she’s in is actually the one where Jessica is snacking on a blond woman in the bathroom at Fangtasia. Thanks to everyone (!) who pointed out the mistake. I suppose that’s my quota for the season.