Coming Soon: Official True Blood Cookies
Just in time for the True Blood season 6 premiere, HBO has announced a partnership with Eleni’s New York to create an exclusive line of Eleni’s playfully unique cookies, designed with edible icons from a variety of beloved HBO series, including True Blood.
The first cookies to launch this month feature Sex and the City inspired images. A gift set of five hand-iced sugar cookies will feature a little pink dress, a stiletto heel, a hand bag, a heart and the show logo. Individual cookies will highlight the Sex and City skyline, a NY Taxi with heel and t-shirts for “Carrie, Samantha, Miranda or Charlotte.” Additional collections will roll out over the next few months for Game of Thrones and True Blood themed -treats.
Eleni’s HBO Collection will be available nationwide at the HBO Shop located in New York City (1100 Ave. of the Americas at 42nd Street) or online, and at Eleni’s retail locations and Elenis.com. We’ll let you know when the True Blood cookies are available.