May Sponsor Spotlight
We love bringing you the latest and greatest True Blood news, and we love these sponsors for helping us pay the bills so we can do just that! Show them some love by clicking over and checking out their fabulousness.
Dracula in Dior
Twilight. True Blood. Dracula. Vampires are hotter than the sun they don’t walk in, and why? Because they have the only two things we humans all want. Eternal life. Eternal thinness. Yet when it comes to style, vampires might as well stake themselves. Sure, their books sell millions and their movies pack them in, but too many are still dressing like the Count from Sesame Street. That’s why undead fashionista Scarlett Stoker has created a style guide for vampires (we’re looking at you Bella Swan), because the moment has come for the undead to abandon the clichés and embrace the runway. Dracula in Dior is the ultimate A-Z fashion guide for the Undead.
Kiss the Dead
Anita Blake is back. Dangerous vampires in St. Louis have begun preying on ordinary humans. But even these monsters have fears–and Anita Blake is one of them. Check out Kiss the Dead from Laurell K. Hamilton, now in paperback.
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