Anna Paquin Covers Angeleno Magazine
Anna Paquin graces the cover of the new issue of Angeleno magazine, looking spectacular in Roberto Cavalli and discussing her surging career combined with being a new mom of twins in the accompanying interview.
“This season, the writers and I have been making a concerted effort to help Sookie grow up, become a little bit darker, more accepting of her fate, more self-knowing,” says newly minted True Blood showrunner Bryan Buckner, further revealing that the character will explore her attraction to vampires head on in a soul-searching journey made exponentially more compelling through Paquin’s subtly nuanced performance. “She is able to tell us so much with her eyes… I don’t think there are very many actors out there who could pull off what we’re asking of her this season… Her performances literally hold [True Blood] together as a show.”
Paquin sees Sookie as a “danger magnet.” “[This] translates into something pretty dramatic happening to her most of the time, which means it’s pretty much impossible to ever get bored on the job,” says Paquin, noting the series’ compelling horror trappings. “It’s entertaining to watch, and it’s really entertaining to do. Because [the show falls] under the umbrella of what I guess you could call ‘genre,’ we get to kind of make up rules for our universe and you’re not just limited to what actually exists in reality.”
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