New True Blood Showrunner Says Season 6 Will Tell More Human Stories
Rolling Stone has a Q&A with True Blood executive producer, writer, and new showrunner Brian Buckner about what to expect from season 6, premiering June 16. He reveals that the show will tell the human side of stories and teases the death of a principal character, a more mature Sookie, shifting character relationships, redemption, and appreciating Alan Ball. It’s really a terrific read. Here’s an excerpt:
Without giving away any spoilers, what secrets of the new season can you reveal?
I can tell you, because I believe it’s already out there, that you will see both Steve and Sarah Newlin, in a meaningful way. [Pauses] One of our principal characters will not make it all the way through the season. In television, because of the pace of what we do, who these actors are, they inform the characters that they’re playing. Because Anna [Paquin, who plays Sookie Stackhouse] is changing in her life – because she’s a mother now – we’re trying to make a more grown-up Sookie, a less naive Sookie. A Sookie who knows when she needs help and isn’t always saying, “I can do it myself.” And a darker Sookie, honestly. Someone who’s a little bit more eyes-open to the world and self-aware.