Recap 6.2 True Blood “The Sun”
Sookie: “I shouldn’t be taking walks with handsome strangers. It never ends well.”
Guess who’s coming to dinner?
I’m not much into the fairy stuff, but I love Rutger Hauer and he’s pretty much perfect casting for Niall, Sookie and Jason’s fairy grandfather. (He was their great-grandfather in the book series, but I’m not one to quibble.) I am hoping he’s as cool as he appears to be — teaching Sookie to do a light supernova thingy to fight Warlow, the as yet unseen thousands of years old vampire Big Bad. Would that be like Russell Edgington on speed?
I had to laugh out loud when Sookie saw the guy by the side of the road and said out loud, “No, not today.” But she went back, anyhow. Ben the fairy seemed like an okay down-home supe, but does Sookie have to take in yet another stray slash romantic interest? There are several perfectly good romantic interests for Sookie hanging around the show already. What’s wrong with them, huh?
Speaking of Sookie love interests that are still hanging around, my favorite scene in the episode was Eric undercover in the Governor’s mansion. Loved the hair, the glasses and the accent. I knew that as soon as the guards took him outside that he’d fly out of there, but it still made me laugh out loud. He may not have glamoured the Gov, but he’s apparently gotten through to his daughter. I would have liked to see more of that. Wait until next week, I suppose.
This anti-vampire stuff is getting freaky. Anti-glamouring contact lenses? Silver bullets that emit UV light? Ouch.
The Billith stuff continued to be freaky, and Bill snacking on poor edible Veronica was just horrible. And yet, despite all this vampire messiah stuff, we were still getting flashes of the old Bill. He can see the future now, and that appears to include all of my favorite vampires trapped in a cylindrical room getting burned by the sun. Well, that’s not going to happen, because every single reason I watch the show (namely, Eric, Jessica and Pam) was in that room. Oh, and Nora and Tara. Okay, that was mean. I don’t hate them. In fact, I’ve gotten fond of both of them.
So Jessica stayed because she loves Bill, and I get that. She’s still so very young, and she needs family. But personally, I don’t like seeing Jessica so stressed. (I went “awww” when she came in the door filthy dirty and dragging that shovel behind her.) That confession scene was sweet, too, although it didn’t have quite the emotional resonance that it should have had.
I didn’t pay all that much attention to the werewolf custody battle that’s probably going to wind up on CNN. Again, poor Sam. And poor Emma. I do think her grandmother and the wolf pack would probably be better for her, though.
Bits and pieces:
— Last season, Sookie was ready to burn off her light permanently so that she could be normal. Looks like she’s going to get her wish.
— My second favorite scene in the episode was Lafayette watching Chopped. I’m sure that was a deliberate double entendre.
— Patrick’s pregnant wife showed up, and Arlene helpfully told her that he ran out on her. Patrick’s the guy on Scandal, right? It’s been a long time since last season.
— Nora was trying to connect with Pam. She might have a ways to go with that one.
— Terry, those blueberry pancakes looked mighty pale and I didn’t see any blue blobs in them. I don’t think Terry is the chef that Lafayette is.
— It did not escape my notice that as Bill was crushing the blood and bones out of poor Veronica, he was sitting next to a sculpture of a torso with missing limbs.
— Nicole Wright of that society (what was it called?) compared the current legal situation of vampires and shifters to the Civil Rights movement. That’s been a consistent theme throughout the series, though.
— In this week’s hair report, I really like Niall’s windswept styled-with-an-eggbeater look. It becomes him. I sure do hope he isn’t evil.
Niall: “I’m not Warlow. I’m your fucking fairy grandfather.”
Woman: “Is your produce organic?”
Arlene: “Sugar, this is Bon Temps. Down here, ‘organic’ means you play the fancy piano at church.”
Jessica: “You’re from the service, right?”
Veronica: “Human Edibles. We’re tasty.”
Andy: “They’re fairies. I don’t know shit about baby fairies!”
In the immortal paraphrased words of Butterfly McQueen. Thankfully, we only got a minute of this subplot.
Jason: “That makes me a fairy prince!”
Niall: “The gene skipped you.”
Let’s see. Three out of four silver bullets, mostly for the introduction of Niall, and for Eric’s clever undercover stint at the Governor’s mansion,
Billie Doux
(Billie Doux and friends review a lot of their favorite shows at Doux Reviews, a community of fans who love TV.)