Recap 6.3 True Blood “You’re No Good”
Sookie: “You’re not God, Bill. You’re just an asshole.”
How cute was that Eric-and-Willa-in-a-kingsize-coffin scene, with the finger-sucking and all?
Maybe I don’t want Eric with Sookie after all. Maybe I just want a whole lot of Eric. And his semi-disobedient progeny, and Jessica. They’re without a doubt the best part of the series these days, and probably ever. I’m glad Eric didn’t kill Willa. He doesn’t have the best track record with things like that. (I’m talking about you, Talbot.)
The whole transparent Nazi metaphor continued. Now we have vampire death camps, which is where Bill’s precog “cylinder of death” must be. Apparently, Bill does still care about his peeps. Maybe Lillith loved all of her vampire subjects, although she did seem a bit careless about setting them against each other.
Bill bursting into flames did have its comical aspects. He does have limitations. Maybe next time he’ll listen to Jessica. I was never a big fan of Bill, and I don’t know how I feel about him any more, so maybe he should go stand in the sunlight. But if he saves all of my favorite vampires from a horrible flamey death, though, I might like him again. A little. Synthesizing a new formula of Tru Blood from Andy’s fairy halflings, though? At least, seeing Jessica as an uber sexy undercover coed was pretty funny.
While the vampires are the highlight of this show for me, I am liking Niall more with each episode. Loved his cool speedy thing and his CSI hands. But Ben the halfling? Not so much. Sookie can “feel” Ben listening to her mind, which feels like a huge romantic turnoff to me (wasn’t that why Sookie was originally attracted to vampires in the first place, a huge plot point in the series?) but the writers are apparently pushing the Sookie/Ben thing pretty darned hard, anyway. Sorry, but it’s just never ever going to work for me. Don’t the writers know what True Blood fans really want? Seriously?
I’ve noticed how my comments about shifters and werewolves always seem to fall to the bottom of my review. (For me, it’s all about the vampires.) Nicole seems to be warm for Sam, and even though they have a tiny bit of chemistry, it doesn’t feel right to me since Luna just died and I just don’t trust Nicole’s motives. The couple I did enjoy seeing this week was Sam and Lafayette together. That scene where Lafayette talked with Sam about their working relationship was just lovely.
It was obvious that Sam was the owl, but I still enjoyed the Emma-napping scene. The werewolves confronting the cops, though? Not so much. Maybe I was wrong about Emma belonging with her grandmother and the pack. Rikki was outright mean to Emma, and when did Alcide become such an asshole? I was never a big Alcide fan, but at least I used to like him. They’d better fix this. Taking off his clothes, while undeniably enjoyable for the audience, is not enough!
Still haven’t actually seen Warlow the supervamp who can get into a fairy club somehow. Is it someone we know? Hey, what other all-powerful superfast vampire do we know? Okay, kidding, I know it’s not Billith.
Bits and pieces:
— Welcome back, Sarah Newlin! I’m suddenly worried that Steve will shortly be toast. That would be sad.
— Andy’s tween daughters still don’t have names. (Why doesn’t that surprise me?)
— I was sad that we left Fangtasia forever. Maybe it isn’t forever. But I loved seeing Ginger again. She is hilarious.
— Jason’s hallucinations and/or illness is a bit confusing. Hopefully, it will get a bit clearer as the season progresses. (If you understand exactly what’s happening to him, feel free to enlighten me in the comments!)
— Bill can’t survive the sun, but he doesn’t need invitations now. That’s an inconsistent supergift you got there, Bill.
— Fairies turn to dust in this ‘verse, and vampires don’t. That just feels unnatural for a fan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer like me.
— Andy still wants Holly. I think she’s too good for him.
— Steve and Sarah Newlin used to wear color-coordinated outfits. This time, she was all in red and black, and he was in black and covered with blood. Her hair was practically levitating, too. Which has nothing to do with the color coordination, but I thought it was fun.
— I’m really not into the clothes so much, but can I say how much I love Niall’s outfit? When you think about it, what would an ancient, powerful fairy king wear? That really could be it.
Sookie: “I take regular danger in stride. That way, I’ve still got a real healthy fear inside me for when the shit really hits the fan.”
Eric: “It’s just a bar, Pam.”
Pam: “Not even you believe that.”
Lafayette: “Before you turn into a snake or bear or some shit that I can’t have a conversation with, what insane plan you got cooking in that pretty little head of yours?”
Ginger: “Does mean we’re not fucking?”
Eric: “Sadly, Ginger, no, we will not be fucking on this occasion. However, the night will come when we do, I promise you.”
It’d be fun to see that, and not in a prurient way. They’re so funny together.
Jason: “The hallucinations are gone. I think.”
Sookie: “You were hallucinating?”
Jason: “Like a motherfucker!”
Jason: “You didn’t wonder why I was acting all crazy and more racist than usual?”
Andy: “Dammit, girls, how many times do I have to tell you? Hand lasers off!”
Sarah: “The truth is, if you really want to do God’s work, you have to be in politics.”
Eric: “It’s okay, Ginger. I understand. You’re stupid.”
I did enjoy this one. What did y’all think?
Billie Doux
(Billie Doux and friends review a lot of their favorite shows at Doux Reviews, a community of fans who love TV.)