True Blood Roundtable Discussion: The Big Reveal “At Last”
Once again we gather together to discuss another excellent episode of True Blood, “At Last”, with TV Fanatics Leigh Raines and Chris O’Hara. We ponder whether Warlow is evil or good, study our feelings for Alcide 2.0, debate who will be the major death and weigh in on which scene surprised us more. Pull up a seat and join us!
True Blood Round Table Discusses “At Last”
What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Matt: Jessica FTW. I was shocked that she went all homicidal on Andy’s poor daughters. It was a surprising scene, it was a well-acted scene and it was an emotional scene, which isn’t often the case on True Blood.
Leigh: Without a doubt, the ending on the couch. “Get the f*ck off of me or die Warlow,” with that light ball right above them. Sookie was planning and plotting and I did not see that coming. Amazing.
Chris: Hard for me to choose just one scene, but my favorite moments of the episode were those featuring Jason. His heart is always in the right place, but oh how I love to see him trying to work something out in that head of his. He really shined the entire episode, what with his curious case of the munchies from the V Benlow gave him… the pull ups in the doorway… and his Dirty Harry impression, complete with an amazing array of confused looks on his face.
Liz: Any that Sookie was in. I loved how you saw her determination and resolve clearly on her face as she checked herself out in her mirror. She was a girl with a plan and knew exactly how she was going to execute it. And who didn’t love that final scene with her and Warlow? “Get the f*** off me or die, Warlow.” Chilling!
Now it’s your turn Truebies! Weigh in on these 5 questions in the comments below.