Recap 6.5 True Blood “F**k the Pain Away”
Jessica: “I don’t know why God doesn’t strike me down right now. Except that maybe God is Bill.”
If there was a theme to this one (other than all of the gratuitous sex), it was daddy issues. Mostly bad daddy issues.
Sookie’s mysterious past was finally revealed: Daddy Stackhouse was trying to kill her because Warlow happened to drop by with a vampire/fairy prenup. I find it a bit hard to believe that Sookie’s father would be so cruel to his little girl, even with the fine example of Governor Burrell’s parenting skills right in front of me, but okay.
(I swear I was just thinking that there hadn’t been enough Lafayette this season, and suddenly there’s a séance. Maybe Lafayette shouldn’t do this kind of thing any more; it never works out well.)
It appears that the writers are going for us sympathizing with poor, victimized Warlow, what with the really, really wayback flashbacks and all, but it’s still not working for me. Yes, I get it, both Warlow and Sookie were rejected big time by their parents by something that absolutely wasn’t their fault, but that doesn’t mean they’re “meant to be”. Maybe I’m just missing the hottie, because Ben/Warlow still does absolutely nothing for me. I hope they’re not going to make Sookie an immortal fairy vampire by the end of the season. Please tell me that’s not where they’re going. Please?
At least now I get to talk about the good daddies. I loved Eric and Tara teaming up to infiltrate the Vamp Camp, and from his reaction, I bet Eric is planning to rescue not just Pam, but Willa as well. If he can. I don’t think Eric was expecting such a fatal level of concentration camp hi-jinks, though.
The last moment of the episode was Eric versus Pam. Pam told her new shrink (Pruitt Taylor Vince!) that her maker released her and now she cares nothing for him, but I absolutely do not believe it. Now, see, they’re going to get out of it somehow, and I will repeat the reason why — they cannot kill off Eric or Pam. The vampires are the reason I’m still watching this show.
Which brings me to poor Jessica, who did indeed kill three of the four fairies Bellefleur. Let me tell you how unhappy I am about this storyline. I think of Jessica as much like Caroline Forbes on The Vampire Diaries, a sweet and not at all evil vampire who accidentally killed someone when she had just been made and was out of control, but who would never do such a thing again and will always feel bad about it. I feel like they crossed a line by making Jessica a child killer, and I hate this.
Andy Bellefleur, who turned out to be a pretty good daddy too, knows who killed three of his fairy daughters. I cannot believe he won’t do anything about it, so I’m worried for Jessica.
Is it Jason to the rescue? I hope he’s in time.
Bits and pieces:
— Flashbacks to 3500 and 3496 B.C., which made me think of a certain character on Highlander. Of course, time in Faerie passes at a different rate, so maybe Warlow and Niall aren’t actually 5,500 years old?
— Jessica’s self-loathing and suicidal thoughts are similar to what Terry Bellefleur is going through. Terry just asked a Marine buddy, Justin the bad guy from Teen Wolf, to kill him. And Justin said yes.
— Bill being Bilith finally came in handy with Warlow. “As your maker, I command you.”
— Loved the set decoration in the Vamp Camp gen pop, especially the morgue drawers in the walls.
— I’m glad the devious Steve Newlin is still alive.
— There was practically nothing about the weres and shifters. Alcide was looking for Sam in the Unfriendly Possum Bar and Grill, which may be my favorite name for a bar, ever. We only got a moment of Sam and Nicole before Jackson stumbled over them.
— And still no one is talking about Bill being the great great great grandfather of those fairy girls.
Ben: “It’s our destiny to be together.”
Sookie: “Fuck destiny.”
I’m with Sookie on this one.
Sarah: “When a woman comes to you in black lingerie, you unwrap her!”
And Jason did exactly that, unsurprisingly. Burrell doesn’t seem that crazy about Sarah, though.
Jason: “You always seemed like a nice lady under the crazy and the hate.”
Jessica: “I always hated the fucking Book of Mark.”
Sarah: “My body is a temple and you have defied it with your vampire-loving pecker.”
Lafayette: “Listen up, dead folk!”
(I also loved “Stackhouses! Calm the fuck down!”)
Sarah: “Haven’t you seen Gladiator?”
I’m getting apprehensive about where this is going, and I’m worried about the vampires Northman. What did you guys think?
Billie Doux
(Billie Doux and her friends review their favorite shows at Doux Reviews.)