JOE MANGANIELLO at Nerd HQ Talks Great Things for Alcide and Moments on Set
Joe Manganiello took the stage this afternoon for a panel at Nerd HQ at Comic Con. The panel was hosted by Alan Tudyk (Firefly, Arrested Development), which makes Mel one happy girl. Remarks in parentheses are mine.
Highlights from the panel…
- Joe takes the stage and Alan goes all fangirly on him.
- Q. Why have we only seen you naked once so far this season? Don’t the writers realize what hard work you put into your body? Joe: Those werewolves keep causing trouble and I keep having to deal with them. If they’d just calm down, then I could be naked more.
- Who from True Blood would Joe want to partner with on “Amazing Race“? Actors – Ryan Kwanten. Characters – Lafayette!
- Joe’s first addiction was comic books. The Punisher, Wolverine, TMNT.
- Joe read so voraciously that he started shoplifting comics. 14 years later he took the mint condition comics back to the store.
- Fan made a keychain out of Joe’s sticker and gave it to him. He’s tickled.
- Fan asks which Joe prefers playing – nice Alcide or unlikable Alcide of recent episodes. ‘I’m glad Alcide stopped taking everyone’s sh*t.’
- Sad he hasn’t had a chance to have nice father-son moments with his Dad (Robert Patrick).
- Joe is ‘really excited’ about what happens to Alcide toward the end of the season. (w00t!)
- Fan asks if Joe would consider dating a fan or co-star. He has ‘a she-wolf. (Wait, a fan asked Joe out?! Right there?! And I had to stay home this year.)
- Joe would love to write an Alcide storyline for the True Blood comics. ‘As soon as Michael McMillian is done.’
- How would Joe describe himself to a room full of people who don’t know him? ‘Tall, housebroken, constantly hungry.’ (LOL!)
- Joe just compared himself to “Pacific Rim” – giant robot with a tiny nerd inside calling the shots. (Aw, nice nod to co-star Rob Kazinsky!)
- For future actors out there, Joe recommends getting classical training for actors.
- Joe remembers when Michael McMillian at Carnegie Mellon: ‘He was wearing a blue sweater vest and I said, we have to get this guy drunk. And we did.’
- Joe describing his ‘costume’ for his first nude scene on TB. ‘There were 3 choices – man panties……some contraption with 2 plastic straps on the back that Rutina talked me out of, and the sock. The sock is held on with a drawstring.’
- Alan asking Joe about his post-Spider Man work. He worked a lot of odd jobs.
- Yvette Nicole Brown crashes the panel! (OMG!)
Mayhem ensues when Retta from “Parks & Recreation” and Yvette throw down, and then Alan gets involved. Poor Joe! Retta gave Joe a tshirt – fans yell for him to take off his shirt & put on the other one. ‘You’ve seen it all before. It’s on the Internet.’ (Yeah but it’s been a while, Joe!) Joe says, “Clothes come off for my character again this season, I promise.”
- Joe will be back for How I Met Your Mother final season!
- He’s excited about doing theater at Yale this fall (Streetcar Named Desire).
- After True Blood, Joe plans to do action/superhero movies.
- Joe’s fav EDM DJ is Diesel Boy. I think you have to be from Pittsburgh to understand that.
- Who does he miss doing scenes with? Grant Bowler – ‘I miss Uncle Coot!’ They’re having dinner tonight. (I think we need to get Joe a guest spot on Defiance with Grant, no?)
- Joe had one scene with Ryan Kwanten & Chris Bauer and had to bite his cheek to keep from cracking up during takes.
- Someone just pitched a project where he’d play a 10-headed demon. Alan wonders if Joe’d play all 10 or if he can ‘throw my head in the ring’. (Where do people come up with this stuff?)
- ZacharyLevi runs on stage for a quick bro hug, then runs out again. Joe throws stickers into the crowd, and we’re out!
Whew guys, I’m wiped out! I don’t know how Mel keeps up with all this information. A round of applause for her quick fingers! Someone get me a TruBlood beverage.
Updated: Here’s the full panel, in HD, direct from The Nerd Machine!