Recap 6.6 True Blood “Don’t You Feel Me”
Jason: “Could you define ‘copulation’?”
You know, I’m liking Willa a whole heck of a lot. Is that how I’m supposed to feel about Warlow?
Because this whole Sookie/Warlow romance is doing nothing for me, and it’s not just because it feels like she’s cheating on Bill and/or Eric. Warlow waited thousands of years for her? Boo freaking hoo! Am I just too emotionally attached to the original book characters? Please tell me, you guys, if you’re all feeling it? (“Don’t You Feel Me?”) I’m going with no.
Why did she have to tie him up? If she decides to become his fairy vampire bride, and it looks like she just did, will they have to tie each other up every night? (I’ll give Anna Paquin this — she looks absolutely amazing for a woman who just gave birth to twins. Go, Anna.) Warlow did save Sookie from her father’s ghost, and he did it without killing Lafayette. So points to Warlow for that.
I spent most of the Sookie/Warlow scenes wishing we’d get back to the Vamp Camp; that was the best part of the episode. See, I knew Eric and Pam wouldn’t turn on each other; they’ve just been too close for too long, and the way they turned the tables on their captors was satisfying. Willa confronting her father and demanding to be incarcerated with the other vamps in genpop was also very cool. And Eric is great undercover; it’s one of my favorite things in the series. (Maybe it’s Skarsgard doing an American accent.) I’m not a huge Nora fan, but I like her enough that I hope this isn’t the end for her. And I thought the reveal that the Governor’s bottling plant is making poisonous True Blood was clever, and it made a lot of sense.
Bill hasn’t been doing much for me for quite awhile, so I’m happy to report that I loved him daywalking into the Governor’s yard and taking out the brownshirts with his mad Lilith telekinesis skills. And tearing the Governor’s head off. That’s the most I’ve liked Bill in a looong time.
And for some reason, I loved every single second with Jason Stackhouse in it. When did he become one of my favorite characters? I loved the way he fast tracked himself into the LAVTF, and I loved the casual, confident way he blackmailed Sarah Newlin. (Too bad it didn’t work.) I also liked the vampire character James, who showed honor and strength by refusing to have sex with Jessica even under torture and with her permission. I hope we see more of him.
I don’t have a lot to say about the shifters and weres this week. Again. We all knew Emma would end up with her grandmother because it was the only thing they could do with the character, and I’m glad that Martha decided Emma was way more important than Pack, because she is. I also liked that Sam didn’t lie to Emma and say that he’d see her again. But why is Alcide still in the cast if he’s just going to be a jerk? He may have let Sam go, but it was with a “stay out of Bon Temps or die” warning. Will that work? Can’t Sam turn into an elephant and stomp a werewolf to death if he has to?
Finally, I’m sad to report that while the actors did a fine job and I liked the framing of the death scene next to the dumpster (a great way of illustrating that he threw his life away), Terry Bellefleur’s death should have had more of an effect on me. It’s like they decided to kill off a character for the sake of killing off a character, which we all know is the lazy road to drama. At least Terry died happy. Maybe someone should have explored vampire glamouring hypnotherapy a long time ago.
Bits and pieces:
— When Sookie’s father left Lafayette’s body, they did the black smoke thing they do on Supernatural.
— Alcide said “Stay” to his father as if he were a bad puppy.
— I’m still confused about the “rules” of that antechamber to Faerie. Is time passing quickly while they’re there, or is that just when they get to the other side?
— Andy’s daughter now has a name: Adilyn… Braylin, Charlene, Danika. (I’m guessing at the spelling.) I guess the other three really are dead, and Jessica did kill them. I was hoping they’d backtrack on that.
— The Vamp Camp’s shrink (Pruitt Taylor Vince) has a thing for Pam. That made me smile.
— What’s in the safety deposit box?
Quotes, and this episode wasn’t as quotable as usual, so sorry, it’s short:
Lafayette: “You’re acting real strange. Even for Terry.”
Eric: “Well done, baby vampire.”
Willa: “And Tara. And her friend Jessica.”
Eric: “I guess.”
I’m still not feeling this season. What did you all think?
Billie Doux
(Billie Doux and her friends review their favorite shows at Doux Reviews.)