True Blood Round Table Discussion: “Don’t You Feel Me”
Once again the round table team of TV Fanatics Leigh Raines, Chris O’Hara and moi come together to discuss the events in this week’s True Blood episode, “Don’t You Feel Me?” Read our comments and then chime in with your own in the section below.
True Blood Round Table Discussion
What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Liz: I have two. I loved when Willa told off her father. She totally took him down and then rejected him. My second is when Arlene was singing to Terry as he died. I cried.
Chris: Had to be Bill “walking on sunshine” and beheading the governor.
Leigh: I don’t want to copy Chris, but Bill walking onto the governor’s compound was pretty amazing. I liked the scene with Lafayette, Sookie and Warlow when Lafayette said “There go the neighborhood!” Somebody pass him a blunt and a glue gun cause it’s gonna get even crazier down in Bon Temps!
(Read the entire thread at TVFanatic.com)