Carrie Preston Promises Tougher Scenes To Come
After a spellbinding performance in last week’s episode of True Blood, Carrie Preston told EW that “there’s a scene coming up that was just as challenging as the death.”
The aftermath of losing Terry will give Carrie some powerful material to work with, including an emotional scene between Arlene and Sookie that has her basically standing in for the audience and asking “Why?!?” Carrie has her own theory about why Terry’s death was important:
“I think it was a necessary turning point for the show to bring it back to its original roots, which are grounded in relationships — in particular, human ones. What is making this season so special is that it’s also going back to [the idea that] the worst thing in this world is humans. In season 1, Rene [Michael Raymond-James] was the murderer, and he was human. Then we went off for many seasons into the worlds of the supernatural, and now we’re back into the world of the humans — both glorifying them in the relationship with Terry and Arlene, and vilifying them with the Governor and the Vamp Camp.”
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