True Blood Round Table Discussion: “In the Evening”
Another death of a new but beloved character is among the five things discussed in this week’s True Blood round table with TV Fanatics Chris O’Hara and Leigh Raines. We each wrote our own eulogy for Nora Gainesborough, chose our hottest sex scene and once again Eric’s hair is on the table.
True Blood Round Table Discussion
What was your favorite scene from the episode?
Chris: Pam getting her Freud on and taking us into her mind set behind the once glorious scene of Fangtasia. Her insights into human desire were great. It was vintage Pam once again.
Leigh: I have to say, I still love the shock everyone gets when Bill strolls into a room in broad daylight. Arlene was so wasted she thought she was hallucinating. Sookie’s reaction was amazing and Lafayette with his beta blockers.
Liz: I had a few this time. I loved the scene with Sookie and Arlene at the cemetery. It was a tender gal-pal moment that I’d missed between the two. I loved when Bill walked into the Bellefleur place during the daylight. We saw season 1 Bill, the southern gentleman I loved. Nora’s death, while gross, was a great showcase of Skarsgard’s acting chops. And finally, The Great Escape by Eric and Nora. It was fun!
Read more at: http://www.tvfanatic.com/2013/07/true-blood-round-table-in-the-evening/#ixzz2adZk7Hkv