True Blood Writer Pitched “Killing Sookie” in Season 5
True Blood writer Raelle Tucker participated in a seminar at the Rio de Janeiro Film Festival last week where she, along with Grey’s Anatomy producer William Harper, talked about killing off characters and other behind-the-scenes happenings on their TV series.
During the seminar, Tucker revealed that, “In season 5 I pitched to kill Sookie, I really did. Because I think nobody should be safe.” She went on to say that a certain amount of death is required on a series so audiences feel like the stakes are real for the characters.
Can you imagine if they’d gone through with killing Sookie? That would have been an enormous twist. I understand where Tucker is coming from, and I agree that without some deaths the constant “characters in danger!” begins to lose emotional impact. But for me, without Sookie there is no show. She’s the hub, the catalyst, the common denominator for all the various storylines. Thank goodness she survived season 5!
source: THR