HBO Unveils True Blood Final Season Key Art, Website
HBO unveiled the key art for the final season of True Blood today, a typically minimalist image of Sookie with a blood tear running down her face and the tagline “true to the end”. Those words are also the URL of the new official True Blood blog (previously called “Inside True Blood Blog”) at www.TrueToTheEnd.com which will celebrate True Blood fans’ favorite moments from prior seasons, spotlight beloved characters, spark and curate viewer discussion and send the series off in style.
The poster reminds me of the season 2 key art and character posters (click here to view them in the gallery) – black and white with a hint of red, Sookie lying down – but with that haunting tear portending difficult times ahead for our heroine. Like being turned into a vampire? Tears of blood, hint of a fang…is our girl undead?
Also attached, the six teaser posters released over the last week.
True Blood season 7 premieres Sunday, June 22 at 9/8c on HBO.