FRIDAY FIVE: Unanswered Questions After Series Wrapped
We are resurrecting our Friday Five series for our readers who are looking for a little something more from True Blood. This series was a favorite for a long time and we kind of let it fade out, but thanks to contributions from faithful readers like Jacqueline, we can have some fresh ‘fives’ for you every week. Are you up for it, Truebies? Let’s hit it!
When the show wrapped, it left us with many unanswered questions. Let’s take a moment and ponder some…
1.) Whatever happened to the sweet ride that Eric gave to Lafyette? It disappeared after two episodes, and he was seen driving other cars. Did he fail to pay Eric the $1 gift tax, and used that money on decorations for his ‘strange plywood hut’, perhaps?
2.) After the Authority was obliterated, were there no more Kings and Queens?
3.) When Pam and Eric made their glorious appearance to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange, were the rules bent to allow it to be at nighttime?
4.) In a story line that many were mixed about (and many happy to see end), did Jason ever father any werepanther kids, err, kittens?
5.) How did Ginger continually clean up the mess and carnage at Fangtasia time and again in heels?
Of course, we may never get real answers to these questions but it will be fun to come up with some of our own, won’t it?
A little reminder: This series is meant for us to have some fun, not spew hate over how you think the show failed you. Hate comments will be deleted and the commentator put on moderation. We’re trying to generate fun not anger. Thanks!