FRIDAY FIVE: Five Times True Blood Made Us Weep
A lot of attention was given to the blood and sex on True Blood, but the show also excelled at giving us moments that tugged on our heartstrings and connected us emotionally with our favorite characters.
Herewith, a list of five times the show sent us searching for Kleenex.
1. Sookie eats Gran’s pie after her funeral, and as she’s crying we hear Nathan Barr and Lisbeth Scott softly singing “Take Me Home”.
2. Sookie holds Tara after her best friend takes the bullet Debbie Pelt intended for Sookie. When Sookie screams out “Help!”, we sob along with her.
3. Eric releases Pam to save her life. One of the most heart-wrenching scenes in the show’s seven seasons, and I don’t think Kristin Bauer Van Straten was doing a whole lot of acting during it.
4. Terry’s funeral was a perfect visual of how this man touched so many lives in Bon Temps. All I can say is thank goodness for waterproof mascara.
5. Bill’s death was as unexpected as it was sad. Just watching Sookie say goodbye to her first love…well, let’s just say that Anna Paquin holds the crown for most heartbreaking crying in television.
These are five of our favorites. What are some of yours?