FRIDAY FIVE: Our Favorite Set Designs
Today our Friday Five honors the set designers of True Blood as we list our five favorite sets. Some years ago Mel and I actually toured some of these places and I can tell you, the attention to detail that you don’t even see on the screen was amazing and fun. We had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with True Blood set designer, Suzuki Ingerslev, at the 2012 San Diego Comic Con. You can watch that interview here.
Disclaimer: This is our list of favorites, but that’s not to say we don’t recognize there are more than these five. We encourage you to show us your list in the comments below.
1. Bill Compton’s house. This house was so beautiful in its design, with dark walls that were soft and warm, art work that reflected Bill’s years on Earth, and the overall feeling that Bill paid very close attention to the decorating of his home.
2. Sookie’s house. In a perfect contrast to Bill’s house, Sookie’s was light and airy with a shabby chic look that was initiated by Gran. The kitchen was old country farmhouse with evidence of family and love everywhere. It was warm and inviting, making you want to sit and have tea and conversation at her table.
3. Merlotte’s Bar and Grill. This place was filled with detail that is completely missed on screen. Scratches on the tables, menus, photos behind the bar, the employee’s schedules all made this place so real that you could almost smell Lafayette’s Aids Burgers on the grill.
4. Eric’s Office. This set screams class, sophistication and business savvy. All the things Eric was when it came to running Fangtasia. I wish we could have seen this set live, but at least I can say that I am the proud owner of one of the pictures that hung on its walls.
5. Russell Edgington’s mansion. This mansion, like Bill’s house, reflected the many centuries this vampire walked the Earth. It was rich in decor and boasted art pieces that belong in The Louvre. Or a museum. In fact, Russell’s house was very much like a museum, and its owner the perfect proprietor.
Of course there were many other set designs that we loved, but we want you to list them yourselves. Let’s play!
Feature image: HBO