True Blood Round Table Discussion: “The Sun”
In this week’s True Blood round table discussion of “The Sun“, TV Fanatics Leigh Raines and Chris O’Hara compare notes with me about the best quote of the evening, most intriguing new character, Bill: vampire salvation vs. ticking time bomb and more.
Which new character were you most intrigued by this week?
Chris: This new fae Sookie rescued has me doing the ole eyebrow raise like Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. I wasn’t buying that whole “I blasted him” story when she asked how he got away from the vampire who attacked him. Could he be working for Warlow?
Leigh: As much as I loved seeing Jurnee Smollet back on my screen this week (Texas Forever!) I am intrigued by sexy new faery Ben. There were literally “sparks” between them. Sookie should also feel what it’s like to hook up with someone who is not the living dead.
Liz: Nichol. I can’t wait to see what she can instigate. Or what trouble she’ll cause for the shifters and weres. I liked the chemistry between her and Sam, although I wouldn’t like to see them in a romantic relationship. I’d like to see them work together.
Read the rest of the discussion and see what you think! Do you agree more with Leigh, Chris or me?