Letters To Cast and Crew: Jason Stackhouse

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Dear Jason Stackhouse,

My, my, what a pickle you are in! You know, you’re out of you’re element here, with the FOS crowd. While taking off your shirt still makes the ladies swoon, even FOS ladies, I’m afraid you’re just gaining new enemies, boy. And no amount of day camp sing-alongs will save you from The Lukinator.

Jason, Jason! While you’re running around, playing flag football and singin’ ’round the campfire, your friend and former V supplier is turning you over to the vampires to save his own skin. Of course, he then became their newest chew toy, but I digress. The fact of the matter is, you are going to have much more threatening issues to deal with than The Lukinator. Eric knows what you did, now, and I don’t know what he meant by “It’s the new me”, but I feel sure he’s not going to forget about your brief relationship with Eddie. He’s just going to look spiffier as he rips off your arm.

Be watching over your shoulder, my friend. Trouble is coming, and he’s wearing a sweat suit.

Elizabeth Henderson
Looking out for your tight end on True-Blood.net

Over-night fan (almost literally) of the Sookie Stackhouse series since early 2008. Co-owner of True-Blood.net. Anxiously anticipating season 6.