Liz | September 25, 2008
Preview of Episode 4, “Escape From Dragon House”
This will probably be the most watched episode of the show to date because so many have been...
Liz | September 15, 2008
Preview of Episode 1.03, “Mine”
Here is a video preview of next Sunday night’s True Blood, Mine.
Liz | September 12, 2008
Videos: HBO Specials Vampire Legends and A New Type
From our Italian brothers/sistah’s at TrueBlood-Italia, check out this video of True Bloodlines: A New Type. SPOILER ALERT!...
Liz | September 10, 2008
Next on True Blood
Here are scenes for the next episode of True Blood.
Liz | September 8, 2008
Two New True Blood Trailers
We have a new trailer for you to enjoy! I love premiere time! Discuss them in our forum...
Liz | September 5, 2008
True Blood on Entertainment Tonight
Thanks to Kate at, we have video clips from True Blood’s spot on Entertainment Tonight. Discuss these...
Liz | September 5, 2008
BloodCopy Catches Up with Tara Thornton and Maxine Fortenberry
Here is BloodCopy’s latest update on the goings on in Bon Temps. I was wondering when they’d catch...
Liz | September 3, 2008
Schoolhouse Rock for Vamps
BloodCopy has found a way to utilize Schoolhouse Rock for Vampire Rights.
Liz | August 28, 2008
Alan Ball Interview: True Blood is Popcorn Fun
Hot off the Multipleverses presses, thanks to Kate! Alan talks about True Blood in a video interview with...
Liz | August 27, 2008
Another True Blood Promo Video
This one is from E!Online, and it’s pretty much what we’ve seen already, only with more “Bill”. Steady,...