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Deadlocked (Sookie Stackhouse/True Blood, Book 12) Hardcover – May 1, 2012
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Growing up with telepathic abilities, Sookie Stackhouse realized early on there were things she’d rather not know. And now that she’s an adult, she also realizes that some things she knows about, she’d rather not see—like Eric Northman feeding off another woman. A younger one.
There’s a thing or two she’d like to say about that, but she has to keep quiet—Felipe de Castro, the Vampire King of Louisiana (and Arkansas and Nevada), is in town. It’s the worst possible time for a human body to show up in Eric’s front yard—especially the body of the woman whose blood he just drank.
Now, it’s up to Sookie and Bill, the official Area Five investigator, to solve the murder. Sookie thinks that, at least this time, the dead girl’s fate has nothing to do with her. But she is wrong. She has an enemy, one far more devious than she would ever suspect, who’s set out to make Sookie’s world come crashing down.
- Print length336 pages
- LanguageEnglish
- PublisherAce
- Publication dateMay 1, 2012
- Dimensions6.33 x 1.31 x 9.3 inches
- ISBN-101937007448
- ISBN-13978-1937007447
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Editorial Reviews Review
A conversation with Charlaine Harris, best-selling author of Deadlocked, and Laurell K. Hamilton, best-selling author of Kiss the Dead
Question: Did you ever imagine that your series would run as long as it has?
Charlaine Harris: I was just glad to sell the first book. It took two years of my agent sending it out to get a bite. I never even dreamed that Sookie would be so popular, that I would find so much to say about her and her world.
Laurell K. Hamilton: No. I had over two hundred rejections for the first Anita Blake novel. They were the nicest rejections, with editors suggesting other publishing houses to send it to, but they, themselves, couldn't figure out how to market it. When I got that first three book contract, I remember thinking, "Well, at least I'll get to write three of them." I actually did think I had at least ten books in Anita and her world, but I don't think anyone can plan to write twenty-one novels in a series and still be excited about starting the twenty-second.
Did you ever dream paranormal would be this hot?
LKH: I remember being told that mixed genre didn't sell, before the term paranormal became a genre. I was also told that no one wanted to read about vampires. More than one editor told me that particular monster was dead and gone. I thought there was life left in the old legends, but I never saw this level of popularity coming.
CH: Yes, even my agent didn't expect Dead Until Dark would be an easy sell, maybe especially since my books contained a lot of humor. Vampires were passé, and books that crossed genres (Except for yours: I think you had three or four books out when I wrote the first Sookie, and I was so glad to discover them!) were called "unshelvable.’ I could never have anticipated shelves and shelves of cross-genre books.
Does fan response play a part in your planning process?
CH: Not in the sense of changing plot direction in my novels. This is my story to tell, and I have to write it the way I see it. But every now and then when reader response to a character is unexpectedly enthusiastic--or the opposite--I'll take a second look at that character to see why he/she is coming across in a way I didn't expect or anticipate.
LKH: I don't change plot direction for fan reaction either. My story, my world, my books, my stuff, my way. The only people who can change the direction of my novels are my characters. It's their life, after all, so if they're really insistent on a different plot, then they win. I agree that reader response to a character can make me puzzle over them more, but it doesn't usually change how often the character is on stage, or how big their role is, because weirdly if the fans are interested, then I'm already intrigued. Best example is Edward who started out as this cold blooded assassin, almost a bad guy, and now he's one of Anita's best friends, and he's a U. S. Marshal. So, not what I had planned for him.
Have you ever had a character totally surprise you with their choices?
LKH: A lot of my characters have minds of their own. Edward went away on his own and got himself engaged to a woman with two children from her first marriage. Edward-- assassin, ex-military, current police officer, taking a six-year-old to ballet lessons with all the other moms both amuses and hurts my head. Anita's love life went into a completely different direction than I'd ever anticipated. I so didn't see Anita dating this many men, or being in love with more than one man, and having everyone she loved okay with that.
CH: I've discovered some surprising things about my characters as I wrote them. I know that their minds are really my mind, but sometimes it doesn't feel that way. It's like knowing a character has a secret (I'm thinking of Bill), and then suddenly realizing what that secret is. I was genuinely aghast. Sometimes my creative brain thinks a lot faster than my conscious brain. And it's certainly a lot more devious.
How do you keep a world with paranormal elements credible?
CH: I anchored my skewed world with real-life elements. Sookie has to pay her bills, she has to do her laundry, and she has family obligations. My vampires buy their clothes at the mall. My werewolf runs a surveying business. One of my fairies works in customer service at a department store. Readers seem to enjoy the fact that no matter what creature you may be, there's a process of surviving that has to be gone through; but there's all these other elements that make that process so different.
LKH: I make sure any real life facts are as real and well-researched as possible. Because I'm asking people to believe in vampires, wereanimals, and zombies, I need to make sure the guns, cars, and real crime are as realistic as possible. Once a reader catches me wrong in an area where they are expert they won't believe my monsters are real. But I have found if I'm right on the hard facts even experts will let me fudge, or take that next fantastic leap, because I've proven myself by laying the foundation of reality to make my leap into the unknown.
Do people ever expect you to be your characters?
LKH: If I had known people would get confused between fiction and fact I'd have made Anita look less like me, but it just never occurred to me that there would be a problem. I've had fans want to know what weapons I'm carrying. They assume all the men are based on real people, and they aren't. I don't actually base characters on real people. Since I can't lighten Anita's hair, I've lightened my own and I get less fan confusion. I've had fans ask for the phone numbers of the men and get angry when I tried to explain I couldn't give them the contact info for a fictional character.
CH: Ha! Well, I'm much older and rounder than Sookie, so I'm definitely no stand-in for Sookie. In fact, readers who have never met me before are usually astonished when they meet me; so were the actors on True Blood. Some of my readers who came to me after watching True Blood get the characters in the books sort of conflated with the actors who play them on television. In their minds, Alexander Skarsgard IS Eric, Stephen Moyer IS Bill. It can lead to some confusing questions when I'm at signings.
What scenes in your novels are the most fun for you to write? Action? Sex? Relationship drama?
CH: All of those are fun, depending on the outcome! But I have to say, I love to write a good fight scene. I find the "relationship" scenes a challenge. When people talk about their relationships, it's a messy conversation. People aren't too articulate about their innermost feelings. And such conversations don't proceed in a linear way, but jag back and forth as each speaker voices the issues that are most important to that person. So it's hard to make sound realistic, coherent, and yet condense such a conversation enough to make it tolerable.
LKH: It depends on my mood. Sometimes a good fight scene can be very therapeutic, and give a productive outlet for negative emotions. The more people involved in the action the more complex the fight choreography can become, and that can be a challenge, and slow down the emotional content for me. I enjoy doing sex scenes, but they are a different kind of challenge. On a day when I can get in the mood for the scene, they’re great, but on a day when real life interferes, it’s a bit like real sex. It’s hard to concentrate on it when you have too many interruptions from the non-sexy side of your life. I guess that’s true of all writing, though, too many interruptions disrupt the process in general. The biggest challenge for the sex scenes is that sex is a very personal and individual activity, so I have the same girl involved, but different men and I want each man’s style to be unique. Relationship drama? Yuck, can I just say, yuck again? This kind of drama isn’t fun in real life and the only thing that makes fictional relationship drama tolerable is that it’s fictional, and I’m not having to endure it in my real life, but other than that it sucks just as much. It also tends to complicate my life as a writer, because almost nothing screws up a story arc like relationship choices, though I have had action scenes go so differently from what I’d planned that an entire third of a book had to be thrown out. It was a better book for it, but still, near deadline that was hard.
What’s the hardest thing about writing such a long running series?
LKH: The beginning of the book is easy, because you always want that to be interesting and lure in both old and new readers. It’s the middle of the book that becomes more complicated. As a writer you always have to think that you may have brand new readers picking up your book, so you have to explain the characters, the world, everything, but you don’t want to over explain to the long time readers. The other problem with a series is that each book needs to stand alone as much as possible, but you also want character growth and world development from novel to novel, so again, it’s a balancing act. I make sure that each opening is different enough that you won’t be left wondering, did I read that already. It’s an issue I’ve had with other series that I read. It gets very challenging when you get in double digits to make everything fresh, but familiar. I’m lucky that I’m still discovering new things about Anita, Jean-Claude, Edward, Nathaniel, everyone, and the world continues to grow and surprise me. My fictional world is like the real one, I never know quite what’s coming next.
CH: The hardest thing is keeping track of previous developments and details. My memory just wasn't up to it, and I had to hire someone (the fabulous Victoria Koski). When you create a world, there are a thousand small things that make it credible, and it's easier than you'd think to forget whether someone is a werefox or a werelynx, or whether it's still daytime during the narrative or if you've passed into darkness. I think it's important to catch as many little errors as you can, so readers don't get yanked out of the world. I'm not the kind of reader who notices, but there are many readers who do.
Photo Laurell K. Hamilton © Stefan Hester
Photo Charlaine Harris © Sigrid Estrada
“The Sookie Stackhouse series seamlessly mixes sensuality, violence and humor as readers experience the people of small-town Louisiana through Sookie’s eyes.” Boulder Weekly
Excerpt. © Reprinted by permission. All rights reserved.
Fairies. Never simple. My grandmother, Adele, would definitely have agreed. She’d had a long affair with Dermot’s fraternal twin Fintan, and my aunt Linda and my father Corbett (both dead for years, now) had been the results.
“Maybe it’s time for some plain speaking,” I said, trying to look confident. “Niall, maybe you could tell us why you’re pretending Dermot isn’t standing right here. And why you put that crazy spell on him.” Dr. Phil to the fae –– that was me.
Or not. Niall gave me his most lordly look.
“This one defied me,” he said, tilting his head at his son.
Dermot bowed his head. I didn’t know if he was keeping his eyes down so he wouldn’t provoke Niall, or if he was concealing rage, or if he just couldn’t think of where to begin.
Being related to Niall, even at two removes, was not easy. I couldn’t imagine having a closer tie. If Niall’s beauty and power had been united with a coherent course of action and a nobleness of purpose, he would have been very like an angel.
This conviction could not have popped into my head at a more inconvenient moment.
“You’re looking at me strangely,” Niall said. “What’s wrong, dearest one?”
“In the time he’s spent here,” I said, “my great–uncle has been kind, hard–working, and smart. The only thing that’s been wrong with Dermot is a bit of mental fragility, a direct result from being made crazy for years. So, why’d you do that? ’He defied me’ isn’t really an answer.”
“You haven’t got the right to question me,” Niall said, in his most royal voice. “I am the only living prince of Faery.”
“I don’t know why that means I can’t ask you questions. I’m an American,” I said, standing tall.
The beautiful eyes examined me coldly. “I love you,” he said very unlovingly, “but you’re presuming too much.”
“If you love me, or even if you just respect me a little, you need to answer my question. I love Dermot, too.”
Claude was standing absolutely still, doing a great imitation of Switzerland. I knew he wasn’t going to chime in on my side, or Dermot’s side, or even Niall’s side. To Claude, the only side was his.
“You allied yourself with the water fairies,” Niall said to Dermot.
“After you cursed me,” Dermot protested, looking up at his father briefly.
“You helped them kill Sookie’s father,” Niall said.
“I did not,” Dermot said quietly. “And I’m not mistaken in this. Even Sookie believes this, and she lets me stay here.”
“You weren’t in your right mind. I know you would never do that if you hadn’t been cursed,” I said.
“You see her kindness, and yet you have none for me,” Dermot told Niall. “Why did you curse me? Why?” He was looking directly at his father, his distress was written all over his face.
“But I didn’t,” Niall said. He sounded genuinely surprised. Finally, he was addressing Dermot directly. “I wouldn’t addle the brains of my own son, half–human or not.”
“Claude told me it was you who bespelled me.” Dermot looked at Claude, who was still waiting to see which way the frog would jump.
“Claude,” Niall said, the power in his voice making my head pound, “Who told you this?”
“It’s common knowledge among the fae,” Claude said. He’d been preparing himself for this, was braced to make his answer.
“According to whom?” Niall was not going to give up.
“Murry told me this.”
“Murry told you I had cursed my son? Murry, the friend of my enemy Breandan?” Niall’s elegant face was incredulous.
The Murry I killed with Gran’s trowel? I thought, but I knew it was better not to interrupt.
“Murry told me this before he switched his allegiance,” Claude said defensively.
“And who had told Murry?” Niall said, an edge of exasperation in his voice.
“I don’t know.” Claude shrugged. “He sounded so certain, I never questioned him.”
“Claude, come with me,” Niall said, after a moment’s fraught silence. “We will talk to your father and to the rest of our people. We’ll discover who spread this rumor about me. And we’ll know who actually cursed Dermot, made him behave so.”
I would have thought Claude would be ecstatic, since he’d been ready to return to Faery ever since entrance had been denied him. But he looked absolutely vexed, just for a moment.
“What about Dermot?” I asked.
“It’s too dangerous for him now,” Niall said. “The one who cursed him may be waiting to take further action against him. I’ll take Claude with me . . . and Claude, if you cause any trouble with your human ways . . .”
“I understand. Dermot, will you take over at the club until I return?”
“I will,” said Dermot, but he looked so dazed by the sudden turn of events that I wasn’t sure he knew what he was saying.
Niall bent to kiss me on the mouth, and the subtle smell of fairy filled my nose. Then he and Claude flowed out the back door and into the woods. Walking is simply too jerky a word to describe their progress.
Dermot and I were left alone in my shabby living room. To my consternation, my great–uncle (who looked a tiny bit younger than me) began to weep. His knees crumpled, his whole body shook, and he pressed the heels of his hands to his eyes.
I covered the few feet between us and sank to the floor beside him. I put my arm around him and said, “I sure didn’t expect any of that.” I surprised a laugh out of him. He hiccupped, raising reddened eyes to meet mine. I stretched my free arm to reach the box of tissues on the table by the recliner. I extracted one and used it to pat Dermot’s wet cheeks.
“I can’t believe you’re being so nice to me,” he said. “It’s seemed incredible to me from the beginning, considering what Claude told you.”
I had been a little surprised myself, to tell you the truth.
I spoke from my heart. “I’m not convinced you were even there the night my parents died. If you were, I think you were under a compulsion. In my experience of you, you’ve been a total sweetie.”
He leaned against me like a tired child. By now, a human guy would have made a huge effort to pull himself together. He’d be embarrassed at displaying vulnerability. Dermot seemed quite willing to let me comfort him.
“Are you feeling better now?” I asked, after a couple of minutes.
He inhaled deeply. I knew he was drawing in my fairy scent and that it would help him. “Yes,” he said. “Yes.”
“You probably need to get a shower and have a good night’s sleep,” I advised him, floundering for something to say that wouldn’t sound totally lame, like I was coddling a toddler. “I bet Niall and Claude’ll be back in no time, and you’ll get to . . .” Then I had to trail off, since I didn’t know what it was Dermot truly wanted. Claude, who’d been desperate to find a way to enter Faery, had gotten his wish. I’d assumed that had been Dermot’s goal, too. After Claude and I had broken the spell on Dermot, I’d never asked him.
As Dermot trudged off to the bathroom, I went around the house checking all the windows and doors, part of my nightly ritual. I loaded a couple of dishes into the dishwasher while I tried to imagine what Claude and Niall might be doing at this moment. What could Faery look like? Like Oz, in the movie?
“Sookie,” said Dermot, and I jerked myself into the here and now. He was standing in the kitchen wearing plaid sleep pants, his normal night gear. His golden hair was still damp from the shower.
“Feeling better?” I smiled at him.
“Yes. Could we sleep together tonight?”
It was as though he’d asked, “Can we catch a camel and keep it as a pet?” Because of Niall’s questions about Claude and me, Dermot’s request struck me kind of weird. I just wasn’t in a fairy–loving mood, no matter how innocently he intended it. And truthfully, I wasn’t sure he hadn’t meant we should do more than sleep. “Ahhhhh . . . . no.”
Dermot looked so disappointed that I caught myself feeling guilty. I couldn’t stand it, I had to explain
“Listen, I understand that you don’t intend that we have sex together, and I know that a couple of times in the past we’ve all slept in the same bed and we all slept like rocks . . . it was a good thing, a healing thing. But there are maybe ten reasons I don’t want to do that again. Number One, it’s just really peculiar, to a human. Two, I love Eric and I should only bunk down with him. Three, you’re related to me, so sleeping in the same bed should make me feel really squicky inside. Also, you look enough like my brother to pass for him, which makes any kind of vaguely sexual situation double squicky. I know that’s not ten, but I think that’s enough.”
“You don’t find me attractive?”
“Completely beside the point!” My voice was rising, and I paused to give myself a second. I continued in a quieter tone. “It doesn’t make any difference how attractive I find you. Of course you’re handsome. Just like my brother. But I have no sex feelings about you, and I’ve come to realize the whole idea’s just odd. So we’re not doing the fairy sleep–a–thon of comfort any more.”
“I’m sorry I’ve upset you,” he said, even more miserably.
I felt guilty again. But I made myself suppress the twinge. “I don’t think anyone in the world has a great–uncle like you,” I said, but my voice was fond.
“I’ll never bring it up again. I only sought comfort.” He gave me Big Eyes. There was a hint of laughter turning up the corners of his mouth.
“You’ll just have to comfort yourself,” I said tartly.
He was smiling as he left the kitchen.
That night, for the first time in forever, I locked my bedroom door. I felt bad when I turned the latch, like I was dishonoring Dermot with my suspicions. But the last few years had taught me that one of my grandmother’s favorite sayings was true. An ounce of prevention was worth a pound of cure.
If Dermot turned my doorknob during the night, I was too soundly asleep to hear it. And maybe my ability to drop off that deeply meant that on a basic level I trusted my great–uncle. Or trusted the lock. When I woke the next day, I could hear him working upstairs in the attic. His footsteps sounded right above my head.
“I made some coffee,” I called up the stairs. He was down in a minute. Somewhere he’d acquired a pair of denim overalls, and since he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath he looked like he was about to take his place in the stripper lineup from the night before as The Sexy Farmer with the Big Pitchfork. I asked Sexy Farmer with a silent gesture if he wanted any toast, and he nodded, happy as a kid. Dermot loved plum jam, and I had a jar made by Maxine Fortenberry, Holly’s future mother–in–law. His smile widened when he saw it.
“I was trying to get as much work finished as I could while it wasn’t so hot,” he explained. “I hope I didn’t wake you up.”
“Nope. I slept like a rock. What are you doing up there today?” Dermot had been inspired by HGTV to hang some doors in the walk–in attic to block off a part of the big room for storage, and he was turning the rest of the floored space into a bedroom for himself. He and Claude had been more or less bunking together in the small bedroom and sitting room up there. When we’d cleared out the attic, Dermot had decided to “repurpose” the space. He’d already painted the walls and refinished and resealed the plank floor. I believe he’d recaulked the windows, too.
“The floor is dry now, so I built the walls. Now I’m actually putting in the hardware to hang the doors. I’m hoping to get that done today and tomorrow. So if you have anything you want to store, the space will be ready.”
When Dermot and Claude had helped me carry everything down from the packed attic, I’d gotten rid of the accumulated Stackhouse debris –– generations of discarded trash and treasures. I was practical enough to know that moldering things untouched for decades really weren’t doing anyone any good, and the trash had gone in a large burn pile. The nice items had gone to an antique store in Shreveport. A few of the smaller items had already sold; I’d gotten a check from Brenda Hesterman and Donald Callaway at Splendide.
While the two dealers were at the house looking through the possibilities, Donald had discovered a secret drawer in one of the old pieces of furniture, a desk. In it, I’d found a treasure: a letter from my Gran to me, and a unique keepsake.
Dermot’s head turned at some noise I couldn’t yet hear. “Motorcycle coming,” he said around a mouthful of toast and jelly, sounding almost eerily like Jason. I jerked myself back into the here and now.
I knew only one person who regularly travelled by motorcycle.
A moment after I heard the motor cut off, there was a knock at the front door. I sighed, reminding myself to remember days like this the next time I felt lonely. I was wearing sleep shorts and a big old T shirt, and I was a mess, but that would have to be the problem of my uninvited guest.
Mustapha Khan, Eric’s daytime guy, was standing on the front porch. Since it was way too hot to wear leather, his “Blade” impersonation had suffered. But he managed to look plenty tough in a sleeveless denim shirt and jeans and his ever–present shades. He wore his hair in a geometric burr, a la the Wesley Snipes look in the movies, and I was sure he would have strapped huge weapons to his legs if the police would have let him.
“Good morning,” I said, with moderate sincerity. “You want a cup of coffee? Or some lemonade?” I tacked on the lemonade because he was looking at me like I was crazy.
He shook his head in disgust. “I don’t take stimulants,” he said, and I remembered — too late — that he’d told me that before. “Some people just sleep their lives away,” he remarked after glancing at the clock on the mantel. We walked back to the kitchen.
“Some people work late at night,” I said, as Mustapha —who was a werewolf — stiffened at the sight and scent of Farmer Dermot.
“I see what kind of work you been doing late,” Mustapha said.
I’d been about to explain that Dermot had been the one who’d worked late, while I’d only watched him work, but at Mustapha’s tone I cancelled that plan. He didn’t deserve an explanation. “Oh, don’t be an idiot, you know this is my great–uncle,” I said. “Dermot, you’ve met Mustapha Khan before. Eric’s daytime guy.” I thought it more tactful not to bring up the fact that Mustapha’s real name was KeShawn Johnson.
“He doesn’t look like anyone’s great uncle,” Mustapha snarled.
“But he is, and it’s none of your business anyway.”
Dermot hiked a blond eyebrow. “Do you want to make my presence an issue?” he asked. “I’m sitting here eating breakfast with my great niece. I have no problem with you.”
Mustapha seemed to gather up his stoic Zen–like impassivity, part of his Blade persona, and within a few seconds he was his cool self. “If Eric don’t have a problem with it, why should I?” he said. (It would have been nice if he had realized that earlier.) “I’m here to tell you a few things, Sookie.”
“Sure. Have a seat.”
“No thanks. Won’t be here long enough.”
“Warren didn’t come with you?” Warren was most often on the back of Mustapha’s motorcycle. Warren was a skinny little ex–con with pale skin and straggly blond hair and some gaps in his teeth, but he was a great shooter, according to Mustapha.
“Didn’t figure I’d need a gun here.” Mustapha looked away. He seemed really jangled. Odd. Werewolves were hard to read, but it didn’t take a telepath to know that something was up with Mustapha Khan.
“Let’s hope no one needs a gun. What’s happening in Shreveport that you couldn’t tell me over the phone?”
I sat down myself and waited for Mustapha to deliver his message. Eric could have left one on my answering machine or even sent me an emai,l rather than sending Mustapha –– but like most vamps, he didn’t really have a rock–solid trust in electronics, especially if the news was important.
“You want him to hear this?” Mustapha tilted his head toward Dermot.
“You might be better off not knowing,” I told Dermot. He gave the daytime man a level blue stare which warned Mustapha to be on his best behavior and rose, taking his mug with him. We heard the stairs creak as he mounted them. When Mustapha’s Were hearing told him Dermot was out of earshot, he sat down opposite me and placed his hands side by side on the table very precisely. Style and attitude.
“Okay, I’m waiting,” I said.
“Felipe de Castro is coming to Shreveport to talk about the disappearance of his buddy Victor.”
“Oh, shit,” I said.
“Say it, sister. We’re in for it now.” He smiled.
“That’s it? That’s the message?”
“Eric would like to you to come to Shreveport tomorrow night to greet Felipe.”
“I won’t see Eric till then?” I could feel my face narrow in a suspicious squint. That didn’t suit me at all. The thin cracks in our relationship would only spread wider if we didn’t get to spend time together.
“He has to get ready,” Mustapha said, shrugging. “I don’t know if he got to clean out his bathroom cabinets or change the sheets, or what. ’Has to get ready’ is what he told me.”
“Right,” I said. “And that’s it, that’s the whole message?”
Mustapha hesitated. “I got some other things to tell you, not from Eric. Two things.” He took off his sunglasses. His chocolate–chip eyes were downcast; Mustapha was not a happy camper.
“Okay, I’m ready.” I was biting the inside of my mouth. If Mustapha could be stoical about Felipe’s impending visit, I could too. We were at great risk. We had both participated in the plan to trap Victor Madden, regent of the state of Louisiana, put in place by King Felipe of Nevada; and we had helped to kill Victor and his entourage. What was more, I was pretty sure Felipe de Castro suspected all this with a high degree of certainty.
“First thing, from Pam.”
Blonde and sardonic, Eric’s child Pam was as close to a friend as I had among the vamps. I nodded, signaling Mustapha to deliver the message.
“She says, ’Tell Sookie that this is the hard time that will show what she is made of.’”
I cocked my head. “No advice other than that? Not too helpful. I figured as much.” I’d pretty much assumed Felipe’s post–Victor visit would be a very touchy one. But that Pam would warn me . . . seemed a bit odd.
“Harder than you know,” Mustapha said intently.
I stared at him, waiting for more.
Maddeningly, he did not elaborate. I knew better than to ask him to. “The other thing is from me,” he continued.
Only the fact that I’d had to control my face all my life kept me from giving him major Doubtful. Mustapha? Giving me advice?
“I’m a lone wolf,” he said, by way of preamble.
I nodded. He hadn’t affiliated with the Shreveport werewolves, all members of the Long Tooth pack.
“When I first blew into Shreveport, I looked into joining. I even went to a pack gathering,” Mustapha said.
It was the first chink I’d seen in his “I’m badass and I don’t need anyone” armor. I was startled that he’d even tried. Alcide Herveaux, the packleader in Shreveport, would have been glad to gain a strong wolf like Mustapha.
“The reason I didn’t even consider it is because of Jannalynn,” he said. Jannalynn Hopper was Alcide’s enforcer. She was about as big as a wasp, and she had the same nature.
“Because Jannalynn’s really tough and she would challenge someone as alpha as you?” I said.
He inclined his head. “She wouldn’t leave me standing. She would push and push until we fought.”
“You think she could win? Over you.” I made it not quite a question. With Mustapha’s size advantage and his greater experience, I could not fathom why Mustapha had a doubt he would be the victor.
He inclined his head again. “I do. Her spirit is big.”
“She likes to feel in charge? She has to be the baddest bitch in the fight?”
“I was in the Hair of the Dog yesterday, early evening. Just to spend some time with the other Weres after I got through working for the vamps, get the smell of Eric’s house out of my nose . . . though we got a deader hanging around at the Hair, lately. Anyway, Jannalynn was talking to Alcide while she was serving him a drink. She knows you loaned Merlotte some money to keep his bar afloat.”
I shifted in my chair, suddenly uneasy. “I’m a little surprised Sam told her, but I didn’t ask him to keep it a secret.”
“I’m not so sure he did tell her. Jannalynn’s not above snooping when she thinks she ought to know something, and she doesn’t even think of it as snooping. She thinks of it as fact–gathering. Here’s the bottom line . . . don’t cross that bitch. You’re on the borderline with her.”
“Because I helped Sam? That doesn’t make any sense.” Though my sinking heart told me it did.
“Doesn’t need to. You helped him when she couldn’t. And that galls her. You ever seen her when she’s got a mad on?”
“I’ve seen her in action.” Sam always liked such challenging women. I could only conclude that she saved her softer, gentler side for him.
“Then you know how she treats people she sees as a threat.”
“I wonder why Alcide hasn’t picked Jannalynn as his first lady, or whatever the term is,” I said, just to veer away from the subject for a moment. “He made her pack enforcer, but I would have thought he would pick the strongest female wolf as his mate.”
“She’d love that,” Mustapha said. “I can smell that on her. He can smell that on her. But she don’t love Alcide, and he don’t love her. She’s not the kind of woman he likes. He likes women his own age, women with a little curve to ’em. Women like you.”
“But she told Alcide . . .” I had to stop, because I was hopelessly confused. “A few weeks ago, she advised Alcide he should try to seduce me,” I said awkwardly. “She thought I would be an asset to the pack.”
“If you’re confused, think how Jannalynn’s feeling.” Mustapha’s face might have been carved in stone. “She’s got a relationship with Sam, but you were able to save him when she wasn’t. She halfway wants Alcide, but she knows he wanted you, too. She’s big in the pack, and she knows you have pack protection. You know what she can do to people who don’t.”
I shuddered. “She does enjoy the enforcement,” I said. “I’ve watched her. Thanks for the heads–up, Mustapha. If you’d like a drink or something to eat, the offer still stands.”
“I’ll take a glass of water,” he said, and I got it in short order. I could hear one of Dermot’s rented power tools going above our head in the attic, and though Mustapha cocked an eye toward the ceiling he didn’t comment until he’d finished his drink. “Too bad he can’t come with you to Shreveport,” he said then. “Fairies are good fighters.” Mustapha handed me his empty glass. “Thanks,” he said. And then he was out the door.
Product details
- Publisher : Ace; 1st edition (May 1, 2012)
- Language : English
- Hardcover : 336 pages
- ISBN-10 : 1937007448
- ISBN-13 : 978-1937007447
- Item Weight : 1.33 pounds
- Dimensions : 6.33 x 1.31 x 9.3 inches
- Best Sellers Rank: #588,841 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
- #230 in Werewolf & Shifter Mysteries
- #542 in Vampire Mysteries
- #5,049 in Contemporary Fantasy (Books)
- Customer Reviews:
About the author

Charlaine Harris was born in Tunica, Mississippi, and raised in the Mississippi River Delta area in the middle of a cotton field. Though her early works consisted largely of poems about ghosts and, later, teenage angst, she wrote plays when she attended Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee and started writing novels a few years later.
After publishing two stand-alone mysteries, Harris launched a light-hearted mystery series 'starring' Georgia librarian Aurora Teagarden. The first of the eight books, Real Murders, was shortlisted for Best Novel in the 1990 Agatha Awards. In 1996, she released the first of the much darker Shakespeare mysteries, featuring the amateur sleuth Lily Bard, a karate student who makes her living cleaning houses.
Charlaine Harris then wrote the first of her Southern vampire mysteries starring Sookie Stackhouse, the quirky, telepathic waitress who works in a bar in the fictional Northern Louisiana town of Bon Temps. Dead Until Dark won the Anthony Award for Best Paperback Mystery. It also won Harris a whole new fan club of devoted readers and pushed her into the bestseller lists. The Sookie Stackhouse series, in which Sookie has to deal with vampires, werecreatures and other supernatural folk - not to mention her own complicated love life - was also instrumental in creating the urban fantasy genre.
Sookie Stackhouse also enchanted Alan Ball, creator of the smash TV show Six Feet Under, who took an option and wrote and directed the pilot episode for True Blood himself. It was an instant hit when it premiered in the US, and that success was repeated when it was first aired in Britain last year. The second season of TRUE BLOOD will start this spring.
Harris's newest series features Harper Connelly, a young woman who, after being struck by lightning, finds herself able to locate the bodies of the dead and to determine the cause of their death. There are four Harper titles (Grave Sight, Grave Surprise, An Ice Cold Grave and Grave Secret).
Charlaine Harris is a member of the Mystery Writers of America and the American Crime Writers League. She is a member of the board of Sisters in Crime, and alternates with Joan Hess as president of the Arkansas Mystery Writers Alliance. She is married, the mother of three, and lives in a small town in Southern Arkansas. When she is not writing her own books, she reads omnivorously!
Here are the Sookie Stackhouse True Blood novels in series order:
Dead Until Dark: Sookie Stackhouse 1
Living Dead In Dallas: Sookie Stackhouse 2
Club Dead: Sookie Stackhouse 3
Dead To The World: Sookie Stackhouse 4
Dead As A Doornail: Sookie Stackhouse 5
Definitely Dead: Sookie Stackhouse 6
All Together Dead: Sookie Stackhouse 7
From Dead To Worse: Sookie Stackhouse 8
Dead And Gone: Sookie Stackhouse 9
Dead In The Family: Sookie Stackhouse 10
A Touch Of Dead (a Sookie Stackhouse short story collection_
Here are the Harper Connelly novels in series order:
Grave Sight: Harper Connelly 1
Grave Surprise: Harper Connelly 2
An Ice Cold Grave: Harper Connelly 3
Grave Secret: Harper Connelly 4
Customer reviews
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Customers enjoyed the book and found it entertaining and captivating. However, opinions differed on the story quality, series quality, and pacing. Some found the stories well-crafted and wrapped up loose ends, while others felt there was not much story and word vomit. There were also mixed views on character development, with some finding them wonderful and enjoyable to read about, while others felt they were lacking.
AI-generated from the text of customer reviews
Customers enjoy the book. It has all the elements they look for in a fantasy mystery, including love, sex, murder, and mystery. They find it an enjoyable, quick read that keeps their interest from the beginning. The weretiger character is also appreciated.
"...I loved this book and if you just want to read a typical Sookie story, than I highly recommend it. I gave it 5 stars...." Read more
"...This is an awesome book. It's roller coaster ride of emotions and actions...." Read more
"...To summarize, this was a great book. I love the return of the 'old' Sookie with more wisdom...." Read more
"...but I'm still a fan of the series and they are still good enough to keep me reading. I feel pretty much the same way about this latest one...." Read more
Customers find the book entertaining and enjoyable. They describe it as a quick, easy read with good moments and witty writing. The plot combines mystery with comedy and memorable characters.
"...I gave it 5 stars. It was entertaining from start to finish which is what i like in a book, easy to read, mysterious..... edge of your seat at times..." Read more
"...Reason 4 why I enjoyed this book: I still remained interested throughout, despite my quick reading time...." Read more
"...So I was more than pleased when I found that I actually enjoyed "Deadlocked" quite a lot...." Read more
"...I didn't love DR, it had some good moments (and a lot more Eric, who I do miss in this book) but her writing is solid and tight again in this book...." Read more
Customers have different views on the story quality. Some find it satisfying, with a good pace and mystery. Others feel the plot is contrived and uninspired, with meaningless action and poor character development.
"...from start to finish which is what i like in a book, easy to read, mysterious..... edge of your seat at times and just great entertainment for a..." Read more
"...Warning: adult content and violence." Read more
"...But, it does progress the plot in the sense that the series is ending...." Read more
"...This was one of the better books in the series and a great way to lead up to the finale. I'm definitely looking forward to the final installment!" Read more
Customers have different views on the series. Some find the first seven books amazing and well-crafted, while others consider it disappointing and unsatisfying.
"...And I am so pleased I did!!! This novel was typical Sookie Stackhouse!!..." Read more
"...Instead, Eric is increasingly portrayed as insensitive and uncaring, and furthermore we're supposed to believe that he was always that way and both..." Read more
"...This is one of my all time favorite series and I think everyone should run out and pick it up. Warning: adult content and violence." Read more
"...This was one of the better books in the series and a great way to lead up to the finale. I'm definitely looking forward to the final installment!" Read more
Customers have different views on the pacing of the book. Some find it a quick and enjoyable read that can be finished in one sitting. Others feel the book lacks excitement and has boring sections with no romance. There are also issues with the ending being unclear or unresolved.
"...took me 1.5 days to read. too short Ms. Harris!) and a vast improvement from the last say 2-3 books...." Read more
"...entertaining from start to finish which is what i like in a book, easy to read, mysterious..... edge of your seat at times and just great..." Read more
" real idea b'c I've lost faith in the author due to all of this dragging out, the continuity issues..." Read more
"...on a bit too long, but the action and OMG moments were tight and fast paced and made the slow parts worth it...." Read more
Customers have mixed views on the character development. Some find the characters wonderful and appreciate the thoughtful heroine. Others feel some characters become unlikable, with personality changes and lack of plot development. There are also complaints about characters not discussing important issues.
"...This book has reminded me how much I love the character of Sookie (and oh how different she is from True Blood, but that is a different story)...." Read more
"...I actually like True Blood although most of the characters look nothing and act nothing like the characters in the books...." Read more
"...All of the sub-character sets are happy (Holly and Hoyt, Tara and JB, Jason and Michelle, etc.) And all of Sookie's suiters are now available...." Read more
"...Even with a murder, an underhanded plot and a huge cast of characters. Not enough heat...." Read more
Reviews with images

The character in the book
Top reviews from the United States
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- Reviewed in the United States on June 10, 2012Ive never written a review before, and its scary the thought of writing one here on Amazon, but before reading this novel and deciding whether or not to continue with the series, I read another review... the first review on here actually entitled "Short on Story". It was a very well written review, but very negative towards the novel actually encouraging me to not purchase the ebook especially at the price!! $16 for an ebook!!! But boredom on a holiday saw me relenting and I bought it.
And I am so pleased I did!!!
This novel was typical Sookie Stackhouse!! All the negativity about the writers focus on the mundane Sookie chores wasn't as ridiculous as the original review led me to believe, it was just the charactor. We know Sookie doesn't have much of a life outside the supe comunity and Merlottes, so when she is seeking time out from those things, she does do the mundane chores as we all do! It was completely reasonable the time spend on these things in the realm of the storyline.
I thoroughly enjoyed the book. Enjoyed the story lines. Poor Sookie does manage to find herself in these life threatening situations and i am hoping the story is leading to a Sookie that can just live happily ever after! Good riddance to Eric the vampire! I think she made the right choice. The man is a self absorbed self serving arse!!!
I loved this book and if you just want to read a typical Sookie story, than I highly recommend it. I gave it 5 stars. It was entertaining from start to finish which is what i like in a book, easy to read, mysterious..... edge of your seat at times and just great entertainment for a relaxing winter Sunday Morning in bed! What more can you want in a book! Cant wait for the next edition!
- Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2013Review by Cassandra from Book Talk
Sookie Stackhouse is determined to solve a murder investigation. A young girl has died at a vampire party hosted at her boyfriend, Eric's, house and he is the main suspect. Eric pleas his innocence but the police do not believe him, and Sookie has a hard time believing him too. Especially since she caught him drinking the woman's blood not too long before she was killed. Strange things are going on with this case. Sookie was asked to show up to the party late, causing her to catch Eric in the blood drinking act. The victim spiked her blood before seeing Eric causing him to lose control. Sookie is determined to solve this case to prove Eric's innocence (hopefully). Unfortunately, Sookie's Fae family are having problems and draws Sookie into the middle. On top of all these problems, Sookie still has to deal with the cluviel dor her grandmother left for her. It will grant her one wish for herself or someone she loves, yet Sookie still doesn't know what or who her heart truly desires.
This is an awesome book. It's roller coaster ride of emotions and actions. Sookie loves Eric but doesn't believe they relationship will last due to some vampire circumstances. Bill still wants to be with Sookie yet Sookie doesn't believe she loves him anymore. Sam and his werewolf girlfriend seem to be moving along in their relationship but Sookie seems to be a roadblock to it. Sam's girlfriend hates Sookie and believes she wants to take Sam from her. With all these man troubles you would think Sookie had a full enough plate, but fate decides that's not the case. Sookie has to solve a murder case to clear Eric's name, unravel a case involving the Weres, and help the Fae with their troubles. The only question is, could all these cases be linked? This is one of my all time favorite series and I think everyone should run out and pick it up. Warning: adult content and violence.
- Reviewed in the United States on May 26, 2012It seems a lot of people are really upset over this book and I get it. But, I also don't get it. Btw - if you haven't read it, you can stop reading my review now, there will be SPOILERS...
So, this is the second to last book, so it's time for Harris to start winding down the series and get everything settled, and that's what I really feel this book is doing. She's showing us where she's going and starting to wrap up loose ends. The fairies for example. Another is how she will disentangle Sookie from the vamps - eg, Eric's marriage to the Queen. She's also wrapping up the trouble the Shreveport pack has had in the past by making Alcide take a firm hand.
And of course Sookie's relationship with Sam. Personally, I feel that Harris has been building towards this relationship for many of her books in this series. The strong friendship with Sam, the way she went with him to family weddings, she was his confidante about shape-shifter issues, helping manage the bar when he had to deal with his family, and now a part-owner. The depth of trust between the two is unlike Sookie has had for any other man in her life, including Niall, Jason or Dermot. This book really helped to cement the feelings she has for him, and I think the actions at the end will help her realize what her feelings are for him - Eric certainly did.
Now about Eric, I always knew Sookie would not end up with a vampire. I heard/read once where Harris said that she knew who Sookie would end up with, it wouldn't be someone she'd already been with, and she would never be turned into a vampire. So I knew Eric had it coming. And to be honest, the whole bond thing and how patronizing he was with her was starting to get old and wear on me. I thought she needed to have a little more pride and backbone. I was glad in the last book when she broke that bond, that way she could really see what her true feelings were for him. And Harris needed to give Eric an out. She's appealing to his character from earlier books - obsession with power, etc. Also, maybe he's realizing that Sookie won't be around forever, after all, she's human and won't want to be turned. It's time for him to move on. So yeah, there's a lack of sex in the books, their relationship is strained and he's not there for her at all, but times are a-changing for him and the vampire hierarchy, and he knows better than any vampire that to remain in power and to exist, he needs to change with them, and that means dumping his human girlfriend. And that may end up protecting her in the long run, something he's always tried to do anyways.
Ok, I think that's all I have to say. To wrap up, I enjoyed this one. It's not as much of a page turner as the earliest books are, so don't expect edge-of-your-seat-excitement. But, it does progress the plot in the sense that the series is ending. To be honest, though, I think this one and the last one could have been merged into one book and not two separate, maybe Harris just didn't have the foresight to see that. Or maybe she had a contract for so many books and needed to keep them separate.
Top reviews from other countries
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in Canada on August 14, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Great book series
Loved the book and storyline.
MelReviewed in Belgium on August 24, 2024
4.0 out of 5 stars Goed.
Leuk, als je deze reeks graag leest.
- CPReviewed in Spain on October 17, 2023
5.0 out of 5 stars Good read
Good read and dark humour
Geise Melina Siqueira MarquesReviewed in Brazil on January 23, 2021
5.0 out of 5 stars Série perdida
Só pra completar minha coleção... A autora perdeu o rumo da seria lá pela metade dos livros. Como já tinha comprado um bocado deles, terminando os últimos três q faltam.
Esses livros de bolso são horríveis, ficam amarelos, e não valem o dinheiro a paguei neles. Mas enfim, vamos que vamoz
- Amazon CustomerReviewed in the United Kingdom on December 17, 2024
5.0 out of 5 stars Book
A really good book