True Blood Fashion Q&A: Salome’s Style, Eric’s Shirt, Roman’s Ties
We took a couple weeks off answering your True Blood fashion queries, but we’re back with a super-sized column! I had the opportunity to talk with True Blood costume designer Audrey Fisher at Comic Con, and attended the panel with her and other members of the Costume Designers Guild, which was so much fun. I mean, we had a solid 45 minutes to talk clothes! I’m still debating how best to present the interview – it’s just audio but she answered a couple of your questions, so maybe I’ll post those audio excerpts in this column. That way you can hear her voice as she talks about the different costumes. Cool?
Q. What is the dress that Chancellor Salome wore when seducing Bill in the June 24 episode? Black long dress, see sequined, see-thru long sleeves? I have a black tie gala to go to and would love to find something exactly like it. Thanks! – Amber Rose
A. Wasn’t that GORGEOUS? That’s an Audrey Fisher original, custom designed and built in-house. She used black embroidered lace with jet bugle beads for a truly sumptuous piece.
Q. I was wondering about the gorgeous necklace Salome Agrippa wears in 5×03 at the beginning of the ep. What is it? And where can I find it? – Maria
A. By now you’ve probably noticed that Salome wears the necklace with almost every ensemble. It’s the Lilith symbol that all the Authority members wear either as a necklace or a lapel pin. They were custom designed and made in house, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it were available in the HBO Shop before too long.
Q. Who makes the t-shirt Erik wore in season 5 episode 2??? – Chuck
A. Hey Chuck! Glad to see a guy venturing into the True Blood fashion world! The shirt you’re asking about is from Diesel, “a great label for Eric,” according to Audrey. Here’s a similar shirt available at Bloomingdales.
Q. Who makes the ties that Roman wears in the first few episodes. One red and blue the other dark red with white detailing. – Blake
A. What’s this? Another man in the fashion column? Awesome! Audrey tracked down both ties for you – the burgundy with white dots from 5.04 is by Tasso Elba; the red with blue & white dots from 5.02 is from The Men’s Store by Bloomingdales (their in-house brand). Wear them well, my friend!
Q. Just wondering about the asymmetrical biker style hoodie found in the first episode of Season 5. It was being worn by the gal who gave Bill and Eric their new IDs…riiight before she was killed. Do you know where it’s from? Thanks! – Lauren
A. Wow, you have good eyes, Lauren. That jacket was on screen for mere seconds, and wasn’t well lit. In fact, I couldn’t find a decent screencap of the character, although there are plenty of Nora and Eric getting…reacquainted just beforehand. You pervs. Anyway, Audrey knew exactly what you were asking about and identified the jacket as a Kill City item. Does this look similar?
Next week: Jason’s He-man pajamas and more!