Bill’s Past: True Blood Discussion Post

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Last week we saw Eric’s turning, this week we saw Bill as a vampire embracing the dark side. With relish. And he sings! Who saw that coming? There was also the little matter of the blood-washed evening with Lorena and the couple from the speakeasy. While that might be the “old” Bill, it certainly was startling compared to his current behavior.

Speaking of Lorena, does she truly want Bill back, or did Eric simply appeal to her jealous nature? Eric wants Sookie, which made a lot of Eric/Sookie fans scream with delight, so he calls in someone who can pull him away from Sookie. Unfortunately, she also prevents Bill from going to her aid. This may not be working out the way Eric planned.

The cracks we started seeing between Steve and Sarah Newlin last week quickly turned into Grand Canyon-sized fissures once Sookie arrived at the Fellowship of the Sun. To her credit, Sarah doesn’t like what Steve has planned. Will she tell Jason about the girl that’s in the basement? Will the brother finally aid the sister? How will that affect Jason’s feelings for Sarah? We suspect she’ll be able to talk her way out of any guilt in this instance, too.

Lafayette’s lack of “pizazz” continues to draw attention as Andy confronted him about his disappearance. Who else got teary when Terry stepped in and shut Andy down? It was nice to see Terry’s compassion and his familiarity with PTSD serve a purpose for another character. We miss your pizazz, too, Lafayette. Perhaps now that he’s back in the V business (shoutout to Pam’s sunglasses!), he’ll get fired up again.

Meanwhile, Sam is so smitten with Daphne that he ends up being blindsided by her allegiance to Maryann. Did you yell “PIG!” along with Andy? Poor Sam. When will he get a love interest who isn’t 1) in love with someone else or 2) controlled by a mythological creature? And just what is Eggs starting to remember? The blood on that rock looked an awful lot like the evidence of a ceremonial sacrifice.

While a lot happened in this episode, it felt more like a set-up-for-the-rest-of-the-season episode. In other words, major events are about to go down. Can’t wait! Feel free to leave your comments about True Blood episode 206, “Hard Hearted Hannah”, below, but please avoid mentioning spoilers for future episodes.

Fan of the Southern Vampire Mysteries since 2001, and co-admin of since 2008. Team Sookie!