RECAP: True Blood 206 “Hard-Hearted Hannah”

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True Blood episode 206 recap by Billie Doux.

Daphne: “What? You don’t like drums?”
Sam: “It’s just that in my experience, no good can come from drum music.”

Whoa. All of a sudden, everything changed from sexy and funny, to creepy and scary.

I wasn’t a bit surprised when Daphne turned on Sam. Her being Maryann’s pet pig made perfect sense. Sam is a cutie, and deserves a lot better. Well, he certainly deserves not to get sacrificed with a great big old knife. Maryann has horns now. Sam is in deep crap.

What happened to Eggs? What did he see, and why can’t he remember? Was it the sacrifice of Miss Jeanette, perhaps? Poor Eggs isn’t a minion at all; he’s a victim, isn’t he? Did he start remembering stuff because he wasn’t near Maryann any more?

I just realized that the Fellowship and Maryann may be doing the same thing: sacrifices. The Fellowship *does* have Godric prisoner in their basement. And they’re planning a great big vampire sunshine cook-out, with a pseudo-crucifixion, no less. Why Godric? Because he’s two thousand years old, corresponding to the crucifixion of Jesus?

How did Steve and Sarah know that Sookie and Hugo were spies? Sarah Newlin felt sorry for Sookie, although I’m sure she didn’t know Sookie was Jason’s sister. And Sarah just succumbed to sin with Jason right there on the church balcony. I find Sarah rather creepy, but she doesn’t seem to be the complete psycho that her husband is. Although if Sarah thinks that Jason is the great man she was destined for, she’s got a surprise coming her way.

That flashback to Lorena and Bill was an eye opener. They were crazy about each other, and they were vicious, unrepentant killers. (Sort of like Natural Born Killers, but with vampires.) The scene with that couple was really gruesome; it was almost like mud wrestling, but with blood. Bleah. I didn’t think Bill was capable of being so cruel. I also don’t think he’s been faking goodness with Sookie; it’s possible that Bill has changed a lot. But he was a very bad boy in the past, and not in the funny or cute sense of the word “bad.”

Speaking of Eric, did he summon Lorena just to get Bill out of the way, or did he also hope Sookie would learn about Bill’s evil past? That might make Eric look pretty good to Sookie by comparison, wouldn’t it?

As usual, there wasn’t enough Eric in this episode to suit me. There was a brief scene with him and a woman he was biting; apparently, Eric prefers an unwilling victim, or at least one that’s faking some reluctance. 🙂 I found it odd that he bit her, and paid her for it, right there in the hotel lobby, though; I had gotten the impression, possibly from the books, that that was like having sex in public. And we can’t have that. No, wait, we’re getting a lot of that, aren’t we?

Bits and pieces:

— Was that Stephen Moyer doing his own singing of “Hard-Hearted Hannah” in the flashback? He’s good, but it was certainly a strange new side of him.

— Bill and Lorena back in Chicago of 1926 were pretending to be from France, which always makes me think of the Coneheads.

— Lorena hasn’t seen Bill in over seventy years. Eric hasn’t seen Godric in even longer.

— Hugo wanted his vampire lover Isabel to turn him; they fight about it constantly. Hugo seemed surprised that Sookie didn’t feel the same way.

— Terry fending off his cousin Andy and helping Lafayette with his fear was very sweet. I also thought that seeing Eric as Andy in Lafayette’s imagination was quite funny. Eric just doesn’t come off as a redneck, even in Andy’s clothes. 🙂

— I can’t even guess why Eric would want Lafayette to deal V again. No, wait. To track down bad guys dealing V. Okay, that was easier than I thought. I just had to ponder for a moment.

— Maxine went too far, and Hoyt rebelled. It’s about freaking time. Jessica has actually been good for Hoyt. What a surprise. Loved her pouring the $45 Tru Blood down the drain.


Eric: “Tell your manager you were magnificent. I’ll back up your story if he calls.”
Was Eric actually being sweet to that… what do you call someone you pay for blood? Blood hooker? Blooker?

Steve: “Ding ding ding ding ding!”
Jason: “Jesus Christ!”
Steve: “Well, yes, him, but the sun, too.”

Jason: “Adultery’s bad.”
Luke: “One of the worst. Right up there with incest and beastiality. But all of them put together ain’t half as bad as if you do it to a vampire. Or to a dude. Or a vampire dude. That’s like the cream de la cream of sin. There’s no repentance for that. Straight to Hell, baby.”

Hugo: “That’s Sarah Newlin. She’s the reverend’s wife.”
Sookie: “Right. You know, in person, she looks like vanilla pudding.”
There’s definitely a pudding vibe about Sarah.

Andy: “I know that pig!”

Steve:”It’s the rock that our church was built on. Much like Saint Peter’s tomb in the Catholic Church, only without being polluted by evil. Did you know that there was actually a vampire pope back in the Middle Ages?”

Sarah: “He’s vicious and he’s cruel and he uses the C word.”

Another engrossing episode. Or maybe it was just gross. I can’t decide,

Billie Doux

Billie Doux writes episode reviews and articles about sci-fi, fantasy and cult television shows. All her reviews can be found at

I'm a hopeless sci-fi geek and huge fan of shows like True Blood, Lost, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I write episode reviews and articles about many of the shows that I love. All of my reviews are at

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